Also asks it to provide accounting showing how tax money from east C0unty was spent; Execs say the College is “transparent” and will respond but need request in writing; Council member noted similar request made two and half or three years ago but no response so far

Sedona Vice Mayor Scott Jablow with Community College “Budget in Brief” handout
Sedona Vice Mayor Scott Jablow and Councilor Jessica Williamson have asked that the Community College provide a tax accounting showing how much tax money has been received over the last four-year period by the College from the cities, towns, and unincorporated areas of the Verde Valley. They have also asked that an estimate be provided showing how much of the tax money collected was returned as an investment in the Sedona/Verde Valley area. The requests were made during the September 28 meeting of the Council where the Community College was providing an update on College activities in the Sedona/Verde Valley area.
Sedona Vice Mayor Scott Jablow reminded the Community College executives who were presenting the update that a similar request had been made two and a half or three years ago but so far the College had not responded.
Councilor Jessica Williamson recalled that at some point in past meetings with the Community College it was suggested by College executives that such an accounting was “impossible to do.” This did not appear persuasive to Ms. Williamson.
The Community College responded that it was “transparent” and asked that the request be made in writing so it could be presented to the Chief Financial Officer in Prescott. The Councilors agreed to do so.
A video clip obtained from the Sedona City website with added Blog comments of the discussion follows below.