Archive for Executive meetings


Governing Board and Prescott based College executives hold secret executive meeting September 24 with announcement they were considering negotiations for additional lease or purchase of property of real estate in Prescott.  Residents left in the dark after  4-1 vote by Board approving without discussion a motion at the end of the session saying they approved of the secret instructions (whatever they were) given to staff at the meeting

Is the Yavapai Community College Governing Board planning to lease or purchase more land for the Prescott Campus? This question looms over the secret executive session held on September 24 at the Rock House on the Prescott Campus.

After the closed-door meeting, a motion was swiftly passed without any discussion, approving vague instructions for College representatives regarding the possible lease or purchase of real estate. The motion’s wording, which merely stated it approved the secret instructions given to staff during the meeting, seems deliberately crafted to keep county residents in the dark.” Notably, the vote on this undisclosed property decision was 4-1, with the sole dissent coming from Third District representative Toby Payne. He did not explain his opposition.

Once again, this highlights the College’s failure to transparently inform residents about possible significant financial decisions. Recall that the last secretive session resulted in an $11 million expenditure of taxpayer funds to purchase and begin converting a 42-acre church camp just outside Prescott into what is essentially looking more like another campus.

Where, if anywhere, are they going now?