Archive for Faculty – Page 2


Professor Kate Redmon explains hi-tech classroom alternative approaches;   Professor Andrew Winters shares a variety of techniques to improve online learning; Professor Sandy Van Lieu showcases open educational resources (eliminating need to purchase textbooks)

Several Yavapai Community College faculty including professors Kate Redmon, Andrew Winters and Sandy Van Lieu highlighted  how they are using technology to enhance the potential for learning in their classrooms during the 2019 Faculty Showcase. The faculty presentations  are available on-line at the College’s Youtube channel and should be explored by anyone interested in learning how faculty are creatively using technology at Yavapai Community College. (Go to College youtube channel:

Professor Kate Redmon

Among the 2019 Showcase presenters was professor Kate Redmon.  She credited developing a flexible approach to the use of classroom technology as increasing student success in her GED classes.  “Students in their GED class are actually getting their GED” she said.  “It used to be that they just struggled along a month of two and gave up and decided online was not their thing.” Now, because of her flexible approach to using a variety of hi-tech tools,  she is seeing more students complete their GED.

Students in Professor Redmon’s class are given three options in choosing what hi-tech learning method is best for them. She says that some students never use her videos.  They like the “on-line curriculum where they are just clicking buttons and going through and that’s all they ever do.”  She says that she has other students who “hate the online curriculum and can’t learn that way and all they do are my videos,” which are collected by her in an extensive video library.  She has a third group of students who “want to zoom with me and don’t want to do other things.” This involves live on-line discussions using Zoom propriety software where she and the students see and talk with each other interactively as a class.  These students “don’t want to do other things,” she says.   Professor Redmon considers the learning flexibility “beautiful.” To see Professor Redmon’s showcase presentation, please click here. 

Professor Sandy Van Lieu

Professor Andrew Winters

Professor Sandy Van Lieu explained how she has developed open educational resources, which replaces the traditional casebook, in at least one honors class. This class uses free, available online resources (mostly literary works) instead of requiring students to purchase a textbook or workbook.  The goal of is to reduce the cost of textbooks or eliminate their use where it is feasible to do so.  Professor Van Lieu’s explanation of how she accomplished this in one class may be viewed by clicking here.

Professor Andrew Winters shared a series  of techniques he now uses in his philosophy class to enhance the quality of online learning. He emphasized the value of online discussions among students in his class. As an aside, he also teaches students how to discover the “truth” of online news.  To view his view his video explaining a variety of techniques he has developed for use in hi-tech classrooms, please click here

There are other several other excellent faculty presentations posted on the youtube channel.


Demonstrated their commitment to high performance and extraordinary service to their students, their college and their communities

Two Yavapai College faculty members and a program analyst were among those honored for excellence in teaching, learning and leadership at the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) conference in May in Austin, Texas.

Recognized, were Nursing Professor Dr. Selina Bliss, Spanish Professor Dr. Curtis Kleinman and Program Analyst Carl Moody. NISOD’s mission is to advance excellence in teaching, learning and leadership at community and technical colleges.

“Every year we wish to recognize individuals from our college for teaching innovation and leadership excellence. This year is no exception. While many do so much for YC, these three individuals have demonstrated their commitment to high performance and extraordinary service to their students, their college and their communities,” said Dr. Ron Liss, YC Vice President of Instruction and Student Development.

Bliss was nominated and earned the NISOD Excellence Award for her stellar contributions in and out of the classroom. Her students praise her passion for teaching, her fairness, organization and preparedness, while her colleagues extoll her generosity with the knowledge and skills she gains working at a local hospital, serving as the president of the Arizona Nurses Association, and organizing and participating in educational events at the college and in the community. Bliss also was applauded for the time she devotes to college initiatives like the Pathways Project, Quality Matters and the YC 50th anniversary committee.

“She puts learners first by improving course design and best practices in online education as evidenced by her earning Quality Matters certification for the online nursing leadership and management course,” stated the NISOD nomination submission for Bliss.

In her nomination submission for Moody, YC Arts and Humanities Dean Dr. Joan Fisher stated, “Carl is passionate about using data and research to help faculty, administrators, and staff streamline processes and give them information to enhance services.”

Moody, a member of the College’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness team of analysts, is credited with developing a number of valuable research tools for the college during his tenure. ”Carl truly cares about his colleagues and YC’s students and is always willing to go above and beyond to share his knowledge, critical insights, and create innovative solutions to problems and challenges,” Moody’s NISOD nomination states.

Kleinman was singled out for the NISOD award for teaching with “robust enthusiasm,” incorporating fun assignments in his classes, designing classes that help dual-enrollment and first-year students succeed in college, and “promoting a love of learning by challenging students and showing them that they can do hard things.”

One of multiple NISOD award nominations submitted by YC faculty on Kleinman’s behalf states, “He produces students who are more resilient, not just in his own classes, but in all of their classes.”

Source:  Yavapai Community College Press release.


Jim Bostwick, Kat Biemann, Lori McIntyre and Ron Sauntman honored

Yavapai Community College honored outstanding faculty, staff and alumni at its “Evening of Recognition” ceremony held Tuesday, Aril 30 at the Verde Valley Campus.

Jim Bostwick

Veteran math teacher Jim Bostwick was named outstanding faculty member. The announcement was met with a standing ovation. Dr. James Perey, executive dean of the Verde Valley Campus and Sedona Center, said of Bostwick, “Jim has always had the greater good in mind, with a firm philosophy in a student-centered approach to his work.”

Sedona Culinary Institute instructor Kat Biemann earned outstanding adjunct honors and Lori McIntyre, instructional assistant for the science department, was named outstanding staff member.

Earning Outstanding Alumni honors this year was Ron SauntmanRon attended Yavapai College where he received his Associate of Science in Fire Science in 2012. He went to Grand Canyon University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management in 2014 and an M.S. in Leadership and Disaster Preparedness in 2016. Her was awarded the Firefighter of the year in 2002 from Camp Verde Fire District and received two citations from the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors in 2017 for work done in Emergency Management during the Goodwin Fire.  The Yavapai County Emergency Services Manager, Perey said, “exemplifies the power of career and technical education and what it means to set lofty goals and achieve career excellence.” 



Perey explains staffing situation to Sedona City Council during his November report

In the fiscal year 2016-17 Yavapai Community College allotted $17 million for construction and renovation.  Almost all the construction/renovation revenue came from primary taxes paid by Yavapai County residents.  This revenue could have been used to increase faculty salaries.  Rather, it was directed toward construction/renovation rather than faculty salaries.

The need to address the faculty salary issue was highlighted by Dr. Perey when speaking to the Sedona City Council November 28.  He said that the cost of living in Yavapai County was higher than that found in the state of Arizona and the United States.  He cited an “environmental scan” as proof.  The page in the “environmental scan” referred to by Dr. Perey follows:

The entire environmental scan referred to by Dean Perey can be found by clicking here.

If the Administration and District Governing Board were so fired up about spending $17 million for construction and renovation, they should have gone to the citizens of Yavapai County and persuaded them to approve a General Obligation Bond supported by a secondary tax rather than grab the funds from the primary taxpayer fund. The Blog suspects they felt their arguments for spending the millions on construction/renovation were so weak they concluded they could not have obtained voter approval.  Therefore, they went around the voters and took the money from the primary tax fund.

Verde Campus Executive Dean James Perey outlined the issues to the Sedona City County during his report to them on November 28.  A video clip of Dr. Perey addressing these issues follows. 

You may view the entire video report made by Dean Perey at the November 28 Sedona City Council meeting by clicking here.


Review of structure of faculty committees, faculty workload, faculty handbook also on Senate agenda for coming academic year

Dr. Matt Pearcy, Yavapai Community College Faculty Senate President, reported to the Governing Board at its August 8, 2017 meeting that the faculty has given an examination of  the “shared governance process” at the College its highest priority for 2017-18.  A survey is being developed and will be distributed to the faculty in the not too distant future.

He also said the faculty committee structure is the second priority for the faculty.  In addition, the faculty will review the faculty workload and the faculty handbook. 

Dr. Pearcy’s report to the faculty on the Faculty Senate priorities can be viewed below.

National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Recognizes Three Faculty

NISOD recognizes Associate Dean of Student Development Diana Dowling; Math Professor David Gorman and English and Humanities Professor Jason Whitesitt

The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) recognized Yavapai Community College Associate Dean of Student Development Diana Dowling; Math Professor David Gorman and English and Humanities Professor Jason Whitesitt. The recognition came in May at NISOD’s International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence in Austin, Texas. The three were nominated by Yavapai College for their their “commitment to high performance and extraordinary service to their students, their college and their communities,” said Dr. Ron Liss,  Vice President of Instruction and Student Development.

For additional information, please click here.




Dr. Joan Fisher obtains doctorate; Sheri Kinney Outstanding Staff Award; Henry Flurry premiers three new compositions; Cara Bryant awarded certificate; Jeri Hamilton serving on State DOE Committee; Dr. Amy Stein, Professor of History and Humanities, appointed to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Institutional Actions Council

The Blog salutes the following faculty for their outstanding recent achievements. The Blog selected these faculty for particular recognition out of the many faculty who are contributing in various outstanding ways to programs and community projects.

English professor Dr. Joan Fisher, has earned her doctorate degree in Instructional Design and Technology from Keiser University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Autograders and the Effect on Writing Anxiety in Community College Freshman Composition Students.”

Sheri Kinney, Library Manager for the Verde Valley Campus, won the Outstanding Staff Award at the Verde Valley campus.

Adjunct Music Instructor Henry Flurry, premiered three new compositions this year. Ragtime Dances for Marimba and Orchestra, a marimba concert inspired by ragtime influenced ballroom dances of the 1910’s, was commissioned by the Prescott Chamber Orchestra and premiered in April 2017. Hark! What Celestial Notes, a Christmas work for choir and vibraphone commissioned by Camerata Singers premiered December 2016. The Stray Tom, a duet for marimba and trombone, premiered in April 2017. Henry Flurry received a $5,000 grant by the Arizona Commission on the Arts to fund an orchestral concert of his music.

Dr. Amy Stein, Professor of History and Humanities, was appointed to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Institutional Actions Council (IAC). This council is the “second” stage of the accreditation process.

Cara Bryant, Adjunct Business Faculty, received a certificate of participation for her work with the Arizona Department of Education, Adult Education Division and GED Testing Alternative Pathways to High School Equivalency (HSE) taskforce.

Jeri Hamilton, Professor of Mathematics, is serving on an Arizona Department of Education committee of math educators around the state. The committee is comprised of high school math teachers, curriculum directors as well as community college and university professors. The purpose of the committee is to draft mathematics standards for the fourth year of mathematics courses required for graduation from high schools in Arizona.


Dr. Bliss lists several faculty projects for the coming year with emphasis on shared governance

Faculty representative Dr. Selina Bliss reported on a number of concerns/projects that faculty will focus on over the next year. She made  her report at the District Governing Board meeting May 9.  They included:

  • In-depth examination of meaning of faculty governance.
  • Faculty workload analysis.
  • Focusing on quality of on-line courses.
  • Faculty professional development.
  • Changes in faculty governance organizational system.
  • Adjusting time-line in peer review process.

Dr. Bliss’s three-minute presentation can be viewed below.

Susie Check wins 2017 Outstanding Alumna award

CTEC’s No. 1 Fan

Susie Check has been selected to receive the 2017 Yavapai Community College President’s Outstanding Alumna award. The award recognizes her advocacy on behalf of CTEC and its result – student scholarships and student success. Check is an instructional support specialist and a graduate of Yavapai Community College. She has worked at the Community College technical training center since it opened in 2007.

Paul Kirchgraber, Executive  Director of the Community College Foundation, said that Check “has helped the Career and Technical Education division gain prominence as the state’s premier tech education and training program and she has worked tirelessly with the Yavapai College Foundation to secure scholarship support for our students.”

For more information about the award, please click here.  

Susie Check with daughter Nikki Bagley. (YC Press release photo.)

Associate Dean Candidate Dr. Barbara Waak recognizes importance of advocating for the Verde Campus

Waak vies for appointment as Associate Dean for the Verde Valley Campus with Professor Peggy Liggit

Sometime this week, it is anticipated that a new associate Dean for the Verde Campus will be announced. The two candidates being considered for the position are Dr. Barbara Waak and Professor Peggy Leggit. Professor Leggit is a professor of biology and science education and serves as the director of the Faculty Development Center at Eastern Michigan University in the Ypsilant, Michigan.  She has a bachelor’s degree from Northern Arizona University. Her parents have lived in the Verde Valley for decades.

Dr. Waak was a finalist in the College’s national search in 2015 for this position behind Dr. Kelly Trainer. She was appointed interim Verde Valley Campus Dean in August, 2016 after Dr. Trainor tendered his resignation. She has served in that capacity since her appointment.

Dr. Waak is entering her 23rd academic year on the Verde Valley Campus. She has served in many capacities over her tenure at the College, including Faculty Senate President and Dual Enrollment Liaison for the English Department. She is also an alumni of Yavapai College, attaining an A.A. in education with honors. Dr. Waak earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Secondary Education and English/Linguistics from Northern Arizona University. She went on to receive a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2005.

When interviewed by Zachary Jernigan for the May 3, 2017 edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra, Dr. Waak said that she was “very dedicated to this (Verde) campus.” Waak told the reporter that many in the Verde Valley feel that they have been forgotten by the College’s administration in Prescott and need a local advocate. Ms. Ligge indicated she was not aware of the tension between Prescott and the Verde Valley.

While both candidates are well qualified, because of her experience, residence, and thorough understanding of the Verde Campus and the Verde Valley, the Blog is cheering for Dr. Waak.