Community College public data provided only a trickle of information regarding her accomplishments; Blog provides a flood of data

Dr. Lisa Rhine
The Blog has obtained comprehensive information on Lisa B. Rhine, one of the three candidates seeking the position of President of Yavapai Community College. Unfortunately, the College announcements contained very little in the way of her background or the other two candidates.
The Blog is working on obtaining information about the other two candidates that may be helpful.
Dr. Rhine’s background information is extensive.
Lisa B. Rhine Bio
Lisa B. Rhine, Ph.D. is the third provost of the Chesapeake Campus of Tidewater Community College in Chesapeake, Virginia. Prior to joining Tidewater Community College in August 2013, she served for two years as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs following a three years appointment as Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at Northern Kentucky University.
Previous to NKU, she served as Associate Provost for Student Success and Retention at Wittenberg University, Director of Learning Enhancement and Academic Development at the University of Dayton and Manager of Educational Support Services, among other positions, at Sinclair Community College in Ohio. With an educational career spanning more than twenty-eight years, Dr. Rhine’s passions have focused on expanding educational access and equity and leveraging collaborative partnerships internally and externally that increase educational opportunity and improve student success.
At Tidewater Community College, she spearheaded the creation of six career/technical dual enrollment pathways in partnership with local industry and the K-12 school division. Students achieve college credentials and necessary industry credentials concurrent with high school graduation creating a pipeline of qualified, skilled workers prepared for high wage, high demand jobs in the local community.
She also led the development of the five-year Quality Enhancement Plan required for reaccreditation to improve student learning. The Q.E.P., entitled P.A.C.E: Progressive Academic and Career Experience, lays out an innovative, intentional path for career readiness that spans the student journey to graduation. PACE requires intentional touchpoints throughout the college experience where students discern their interests and strengths, align them with an educational goals and participate in career exploration and experiential learning opportunities.
At NKU, Dr. Rhine led a college-wide initiative to improve student success and retention including creation of the infrastructure called University Connect and Persist . UCAP provides intentional networks of support for student to improve service delivery and retention and completion outcomes for students. She also coled (SP) the college-wide effort and served as college liaison to the John Gardner Institute in implementation of the Foundations of Excellence Program to improve first year student success and progression to second year.
In 2016, Dr. Rhine was named an Aspen Presidential Fellow in the inaugural class by the Aspen Institute. The fellowship is a highly selective yearlong program to prepare those aspiring to or recently appointed to the community college presidency.
Dr. Rhine is also a 2012 graduate for the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ (AASCU) Millennium Leadership Initiative. MLI is a premier leadership program that provides individuals traditionally underrepresented in the highest ranks of higher education the opportunity to develop skills, gain a philosophical overview and build the network needed to advance to the presidency.
Dr. Rhine [says she] understands the challenges that many students face along their paths to success. She was a first generation college student who worked full-time while pursuing her college education.
She holds a doctorate in educational administration from Capella University and a master’s in special education from the University of Dayton.
She graduated magna cum laude with her bachelor’s in rehabilitation counseling from Wright State University and has a certificate in deaf studies from Sinclair Community College. Dr. Rhine and her husband, also a life-long educator, have two children. Both sons attend college in Virginia.