Dr. Marylou Mercado
Throughout Dr. Mercado’s journey as a non-traditional student, she has had women in the roles of professors and administrative assistants walk alongside and stand with her through every challenge, offering encouragement so that she could complete her educational goals for quality of life. After spending 28 years in the community college environment, Dr. Mercado believes that education is the empowerment and equalizer of overcoming societal inequalities. Helping students achieve their educational goals and fostering leadership qualities and abilities in women are paramount to her role and responsibilities in higher education. She is passionate about seeing women become all they desire to be by investing time with them, hearing their concerns, understanding their visions and goals, and providing resources so that they may achieve all they are meant to achieve in fulfilling their destiny. For Dr. Mercado, there is no greater joy.
Copyright © Robert E. Oliphant
Chair, Rodney Jenkins
Location: Prescott, AZ | Job Type: Full Time | Job Number: 2023-00452 | Department: President’s Office
Opening Date: 07/27/2023
The Provost serves as part of the Executive Leadership Team and directs the academic programs of the institution in matters pertaining to student success and support in conjunction with the Chief Workforce Innovation Officer (CWIO).
Reporting directly to the President, the Provost leads five direct reports and a team of thirteen.
The position oversees Strategic Initiatives, Academics and Instruction, Instructional Support, Lifelong Learning, and the Performing Arts Center and sustains excellence in all aspects of educational offerings. The Provost provides dynamic leadership and administrative oversight to the college academic departments and academic support services with the members of the Executive Leadership Team, planning, policy and budget development, and management for a comprehensive academic affairs program to meet the needs of a diverse, growing student body. Overall responsibilities include academic planning, bringing vision and strategic leadership to a broad range of key initiatives including enrollment management, online learning, utilization of open educational resources and development of an integrated learning core that connects academic and student service operations and initiatives to improve student access, retention, progression and completion.
The Provost will be accountable for ensuring accreditations, curriculum development, assessment processes, transfer articulation, general education, community education, and dual credit programming. In this capacity, they also provide oversight for Academic Divisions such as Arts and Humanities; Professional Programs and Visual and Performing Arts; Math, Science, and Computer Technology and Instructional Support. In addition, the Provost will represent the College on state and local educational organizations, Boards and committees as assigned.
Earned Doctorate degree from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution
Proven ability to thrive in a progressive, forward-thinking, high-energy and highly collaborative work environment
Teaching experience, preferably at a community college
Experience working with/for Governing Boards
Proven excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills, and a demonstrated commitment to student success
Visionary, servant leader with a history of collaborative relationships and inclusive leadership and management style
Experience in program development, strategic planning and ensuring accountability among individuals or teams
Committed student-centered leader who exemplifies sound judgment, creativity, openness, flexibility, integrity, introspection, resourcefulness, and humility
Data-informed decision-maker with a high degree of emotional intelligence
Demonstrates a strong awareness of current pedagogical trends, technological advancements, and potential future opportunities.
Proven history of successfully guiding, coaching, and advancing staff to higher levels of performance and achievement.