Archive for Polling data

At the January 28, 2025, meeting of the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board, Community College economist and data analytics expert Ryan Jones presented an analysis of income levels and the rate of poverty in Yavapai County. Jones reported that the county’s median income is significantly lower than state and national figures. He noted that Yavapai County workers median income is $62,430. The state median income is $72,581, which is 16% above that of Yavapai County. , Nationally, the median income is $75,149, which is 20% above that of Yavapai County workers. Examining poverty levels, Jones expressed some surprise that the county’s poverty rate, at approximately 12%, was not higher given the lower wages. However, he cautioned that this figure likely does not fully reflect the county’s high cost of living. If adjusted for local living expenses, the poverty rate would likely be much higher, he said.

Despite the significant income gap, poverty level not quite as bad as expected

At the January 28, 2025, meeting of the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board, Community College economist and data analytics expert Ryan Jones presented an analysis of income levels and the rate of poverty in Yavapai County.

Jones reported that the county’s median income is significantly lower than state and national figures. He noted that Yavapai County workers median income is $62,430. The state median income is $72,581, which is 16% above that of Yavapai County. , Nationally, the median income is $75,149, which is  20% above that of Yavapai County workers.

Examining poverty levels, Jones expressed some surprise that the county’s poverty rate, at approximately 12%, was not higher given the lower wages. However, he cautioned that this figure likely does not fully reflect the county’s high cost of living. If adjusted for local living expenses, the poverty rate would likely be higher, he said.


80% of those responding disagree with Governing Board decision

In an on-line poll conducted by the Verde Independent between September 16 and September 22, 2016 an overwhelming 80% of those responding disagree with the decision by the Community College District Governing Board to dismantle the Verde Valley Board Advisory Committee.  (The suspension for one year amounts to a complete dismantling of the Committee.)

That blue ribbon committee had become a strong voice for the 70,000 citizens in the Verde Valley in their fight with Yavapai Community College over the distribution of revenue and class offerings.  The results of the poll as reported by the Verde Independent follow below.



Sedona Redrock Newspaper November poll shows enormous dissatisfaction with College

Over 90% dissatisfied; 83% say Verde Valley should “secede from Yavapai College”

An online poll conducted by the Sedona Redrock News as of November 25, 2015  shows the depth of dissatisfaction in Sedona and the Verde Valley with the Community College.  Almost 70% agreed that the Verde Valley should move to secede from Yavapai College because the money is not being spent wisely by the College.

Another 13% said the Valley should secede because classes do not meet residents needs.  Ten percent thought the Valley should not secede, however,  the ten year $119 million plan (with about 5% being invested in  the Valley) should be amended. Seven percent thought that the money was being spent wisely and the Verde Valley should not secede from the College.

The following is a chart, reproduced in the Redrock News, showing the distribution.  The poll may also be viewed by clicking here.



Staff recommendations based on survey results

YCC Staff makes seven recommended actions during retreat based on data obtained from resident feedback 

The Yavapai Community College staff analyzed the data from the County-wide poll, call to the public from March to August, and two Verde Valley focus groups. Based on the information obtained from that data, the staff recommended to the Governing Board at the September 8, 2014 retreat that the following actions be taken:Survey 6 clip art 1

1. Improve marketing and outreach to all regions of Yavapai County.
2. Explore expanded access to CTE programs in the East County.
3. Expand community event opportunities in the East County.
4. Review and improve course scheduling to increase availability and reduce cancellations
5. Now that the Sedona Center land situation has been resolved, develop appropriate programming for the center.
6. Continue to be price-conscious for tuition & fees, as well as all other services provided.
7. Continue to demonstrate and improve quality of academic offerings.

This data can also be found on the College website by clicking here.

County survey shows East County concerns

Verde Valley residents say College can improve programming, scheduling, return more for their taxes, and improve marketing/outreach

In a survey of Yavapai County residents by the Community College, the response from residents in the Verde Valley appears markedly different from the response of Prescott/Prescott Valley residents when asked what the College could do better. The differences are reflected in the following chart, which was prepared by College staff and presented to the Governing Board at the September 8 retreat.  The chart can also be found by clicking here, which will take you to the College’s web site where the material is posted.

Survey 4 doc complaints with notations

Open meeting analysis

March to August analysis shows Verde Valley residents dominate “call to the public” portion of Governing Board meetings with concerns 

An analysis was made of the major themes of concerns brought to the Yavapai College Governing Board during the “call to the public” portion of the Board meeting (sometimes referred to as “open call”) from March to August, 2014. The analysis was carried out by the College and presented to the Governing Board at its Spring, 2014 retreat. The analysis showed overwhelming concern being brought to the Board’s attention by citizens from the Verde Valley over the Sedona Center and the Verde campus.

The analysis, as conveyed to the Board at its spring retreat, follows.  It can also be found by clicking here:

Survey 2

Focus group results

Analysis of Verde focus groups reveals 5 major themes including a deep distrust/resentment of Prescott

In the Spring of 2014 the Yavapai Community College set up two focus groups to discuss issues involving the Verde Valley including Sedona. The College analyzed the outcome of the focus group discussions and found five major themes. This information was conveyed to the Community College Governing Board at its retreat on Monday, September 8.

The themes coming from the focus groups are listed below as presented by the College to the Board.  They can also be obtained from the College website by clicking here:

YCC County survey

Recent YCC survey shows dissatisfaction with Community College in Sedona/Verde Valley

A survey of County residents by Yavapai Community College confirmed what Sedona/Verde Valley residents already knew: They are not satisfied with the Community College programs and services in Sedona/Verde Valley. To view and listen to the ten minute report given to the Governing Board, please click here.

Most of the questions in the survey were quite self-serving with obvious responses. For example, the survey asked respondents whether the Community College “should help job seekers.” It would be hard to believe anyone would say “no” such a question. It also asked whether the Community College should provide for “opportunities for personal enrichment.” Once again, it would be hard to believe anyone would answer “no.”  (To see a list of some of the questions and survey summary, please click here.)

In the economic/cultural ends section of the survey respondents were asked if the College should “help new businesses in the county?” Why would anyone say “no?” The survey also asked whether the Community College should enhance “the cultural life of residents?” Why would one say “no?” However, when it came to a specific question on services to the County and the open ended section of the survey,  Sedona/Verde Valley voices were heard loud and clear.
For example, when asked about participation in in College services, there was a significant difference show with an average of 5.1 for the Prescott side of the County while only 3.7 on the Mingus East side of the County.

Tell us what you think clipIn the programming area, Sedona/Verde Valley respondents sent the College a list of issues that concerned them.  They included:

a. Keep Nursing (31)
b. More Cultural/ Entertainment Events (22)
c. Concerned about moving east county programs to west county (18)
d. Support/ expand Community Ed & OLLI (17)
e. Bring Back Film (14)
f. CTE (12)
g. Programs that lead to jobs (12)
h. More Art (10)
i. Focus on Instruction only (no Econ Dev or Culture) 9
j. Dorms (6) 

When it came to scheduling issues, Sedona/Verde Valley respondents listed the following as their concerns.

a. More face to face (28)
b. Schedule to allow completion (10)
c. Fewer cancellations (7)
d. More evening classes (7)

There was major concern about the College not spending enough time in the Verde Valley. (41)

When is came to improving marketing/ outreach, respondents provided a long list of issues and suggestions (30).

a. Become visible part of community
b. Hold public forums
c. Bring back paper schedule of classes
d. Advertise events & classes
e. In-class announcements
f. Radio
g. Better informed employees
h. Campus Tours/ Open Houses

Verde Independent newspaper poll says College falling down on communication

Verde Independent readers say College not doing enough to communicate with the Verde Valley

Verde news independent pollA poll  by the Verde Independent found that 86% of the readers believed that the Yavapai Community College was not doing a sufficient job of improving communication with the Verde Valley?  The reader poll was conducted in July, 2014. 

Question:   Is Yavapai College doing a sufficient job of improving communication with the Verde Valley?

Yes – 14%, 10 votes

No – 86%, 60 votes

Poll says most believe College will fail in improving communications

Verde Independent newspaper poll says most readers believe the College will fail in improving communications

A poll of its readers by the Verde Independent released June 14, 2014 indicated most readers believed Yavapai Community College would be unsucessful in its attempts to improve communications with Verde Valley residents.

The newspaper asked the following question:  Do you believe Yavapai College will be effective in its effort to improve communication with the Verde Valley?  In response, 22% or 17 respondents indicated they thought it would be successful.  However, 78% or 61 respondents indicated they believed it would not be successful.  The newspaper poll may be found by clicking here.