Demands College cease and desist the subtle but clear political activity using taxpayer money; conduct raises legal and ethical questions for the College
Paul Chevalier’s campaign has demanded that the College cease and desist in its efforts to use its staff and taxpayer money to produce and send a politically tainted four-color four page postcard to all Yavapai County residents just before the November election. The politically tainted postcard is described as “featuring a current board member, the member’s photo and text.” In the context of the November election, the politically tainted postcard provides an incumbent Governing Board member with an unchallenged political platform. This includes the personal photograph noted above plus the opportunity to extoll his or her virtues in writing, real or imagined, to every voter in his or her district.
A request to Yavapai College President Penelope Wills and members of the College Governing Board to cease and desist from this activity prior to the November election has been formally made to the College. However, as of the posting of this Blog (Friday, September 28, 2018) the Chevalier campaign had apparently received no reply from College President Wills or the Governing Board.