Goal: “Leave them better off than when they came to us”

Dr. Lisa Rhine
Yavapai Community College president Dr. Lisa Rhine addressed the College District Governing Board in June on concerns she has about courses and programs that might not lead to a living wage. Furthermore, she informed the Board that she is directing efforts at the College to ensure, as much as possible, that students who enroll at the College at don’t end up in a worse position when they leave the institution than they were when they entered.
Dr. Rhine addressed her concern about students who begin College but for a variety of reasons drop out and leave without a degree or certificate. However, they may be left with a student loan debt and a possible feeling of unworthiness. She said the College had a “responsibility” to not let that happen.
She also addressed her concern with programs and courses that do not necessarily lead to a living wage. She said she has linked her business division with some of those programs to encourage entrepreneurship. For example, she envisions students taking jewelry courses also learning how to successfully open their own jewelry shops. Or those at the Culinary school in Sedona gaining the skills of a chef while also learning how to build a successful restaurant business..
You may view her presentation to the Governing Board at the June workshop on this topic below.