Community College Newsletter available to public conducts extensive interview

Dr. Tina Redd
If community members want to get to know more about the new dean of the Verde Valley Campus and Sedona Center, Dr. Tina Redd, she is featured in the June Community College newsletter. (see link below). The Q & A interview covers a host of areas.
In one of the questions, was asked about her initial impressions of the College. She replied:
The college is physically amazing. The leadership here has clear ideas for improving things and turning the institution into a first-choice college. There is a lot of positive energy, not stagnation, on how the leadership here wants to make change happen. When I was searching for a new position, I did not want to leave the West Coast, but after interviewing and meeting with the leaders here, my mind was completely changed. It’s exciting to feel like I’m a part of positive change and growth for Yavapai College in the Verde Valley and Sedona.
The Blog believes the communities in the Verde Valley are indeed fortunate to have Dr. Redd as the leader and dean of the Community College in this area.
To learn more about Dr. Redd, you may access the newsletter and the complete interview by clicking here.