District Governing Board votes 4-1 to table accounting report to next meeting asking College to explain the difference

Paul Chevalier
While reviewing financial reports submitted to the Governing Board for its November meeting, Third District Yavapai Community College Governing Board Representative Paul Chevalier was the only Board member to discover a discrepancy in two financial reports that apparently should have contained identical totals. The difference between the totals in the two reports was $172,671.
After Chevalier raised the issue of the discrepancy in the reports during the meeting, Dr. Clint Ewell, Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services, agreed that the reports should have contained identical totals. The matter was then tabled for further discussion to the next Governing Board meeting in January with a request that the College explain the difference at that meeting.
The discrepancy showed up after the College had submitted its typical regular monthly financial report to the Board that showed expenditures of $10,527,828 for the first three months of the year. In a second report that contained a list of the top ten expenditures from the General Fund during the same period (which included an “other” category), the total came to only $10,355,157. Sharp-eyed Chevalier realized the totals should have been the same, calculated the $172,671 difference, and asked for an explanation. With no immediate explanation coming from the College accounting department, the matter was then tabled to the next meeting for further explanation.
You may view the Governing Board conversation about discrepancy in the three-minute video clip below.