Goal of everyone is better educational opportunities for the Verde Valley: the problem is Dr. Wills

In an editorial in the Verde Independent, the editor asks, “Can we pull together for sake of young adults?” The editor goes on to urge cooperation between all the various groups in the Verde Valley and the College. You may read the editorial by clicking here.
We agree! But there’s a problem.
The Blog strongly agrees with the sentiment expressed in the editorial. It has been the goal of the advocates for an Administrative College for the past two years and the Blue Ribbon Verde Valley Governing Board Advisory Committee in the last several months to join all parties in a cooperative working relationship. The problem, to put it bluntly, is Dr. Penelope Wills.
First resident group meeting seeking cooperation two years ago fails
Two years ago, following the huge turnout of residents on March 4, 2014 at the District Governing Board meeting to protest the closing of the Sedona Center, a select group of Verde Valley residents was quietly put together to meet with Dr. Wills and discuss how the Valley could cooperate with the College in the future. A meeting was arranged. However, the members of the group, to a person, left the meeting with Dr. Wills shaking their heads. Their perception was that she was neither interested in cooperation nor their ideas.
Supervisors joint meeting ignored
On September 21, 2015 the Yavapai County Supervisors voted to remove the College representative from the Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG) Workforce Development Board (WDB). During that discussion Supervisor “Chip” Davis expressed his concern about the College’s recent behavior in the Verde Valley. He addressed his remarks to Governing Board representative Al Filardo: “I beg of you, pass on to your board that we are waiting with open arms for a great relationship. But the one that has been coming out of there for the last few years has been very disruptive and nonproductive.” Davis went on to suggest a joint meeting between the College and the Supervisors. That request was ignored by the College and no meeting ever occurred.
Board Advisory Committee cooperative overture rejected
Four months ago (November, 2015), Mr. Paul Chevalier, the Chair of the Blue Ribbon Verde Valley Board Advisory Committee, pleaded with the Governing Board to create a series of meetings consisting of the Advisory Committee, Governing Board, and the College administration to discuss sixteen recommendations made by the Committee to improve educational opportunities in the Verde Valley. You may view Mr. Chevalier’s request to the Governing Board by clicking here. The suggestion from Mr. Chevalier was met with outright hostility by the Chair of the District Governing Board, Pat McCarver. It was ignored by Wills’ and her staff.
The problem, to put it bluntly, is Dr. Penelope Wills.
The bottom line is this: As long as Penelope Wills heads the College, cooperation with the Verde Valley will be stingy at best. And in reality, nonexistent.