Fear of Administrative College no doubt causing Administration back-peddling

Sedona Vice Mayor Mark DiNunzio
The exchange between Sedona’s Vice Mayor, Mark DiNunzio and College Vice President Clint Ewell at the March 22 Sedona City Council meeting showed that the Prescott dominated administrative structure was yielding, at least to some extent, to the concerns evinced by Valley residents the past two years over the fact that all the major administrative posts on the Verde Campus were held by people living in Prescott. Ewell was questioned directly by Mr. DiNunzio about the fact that all of the recent major administrative appointments in the Verde Valley continue to live in Prescott.
Ewell promised, if any of those positions became open that as new people are hired, we will strongly encourage them to live on “this side of the mountain.”
You may view the exchange between Vice Mayor DiNunzio and Vice President Ewell by clicking here.