This effort is in part a response to concerns from Third District Representative Mr. Paul Chevalier and others that the multi-million dollar athletic program serves only the Prescott area

Coming to Mingus Union High School Sept 8 and Sept 22
Yavapai Community College has ignored the Verde Valley Community for decades when it comes to any effort to develop an athletic program. Meanwhile, it has poured hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, into developing the program on the Prescott Campus.
There have been very strong complaints lodged by Valley citizens and its representatives at various times since 2012 about spending Verde Valley taxpayers money to support the Community College’s burgeoning multi-million dollar athletic program with no return for Valley citizens. Third District representative Paul Chevalier has raised his voice to make the concerns known at the Governing Board level.
In response to those voices, the present administration, headed by Dr. Lisa Rhine, is attempting to address some of those concerns. For example, a week or so ago the Community College announced that it had established a new Annual Fund with its Foundation to support the athletic department. If successful, this Fund will relieve County taxpayers of the burden of providing hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual scholarships to student athletes, most of whom do not live in the County, often do not live in Arizona, and occasionally do not live in the United States.
In a quiet news release dated September 1, 2021, the Community College took another step to address the Valley’s concerns by announcing it was going to hold two upcoming Volleyball matches at Mingus Union High School. The first match is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 7:00 p.m. at Mingus Union High School in Cottonwood. The opponent is Ottawa University of Arizona. The second will be held Wednesday, September 22, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at Mingus Union High School in Cottonwood and the opponent is Arizona Christian University.
This is the first time in decades the Prescott based administration has sought to seriously address some of the vast athletic department inequities that exist between Community College development on the east and west sides of Yavapai County—a county larger than many states.
In the Community College’s news release, Vice President of Community Relations Rodney Jenkins is quoted as saying that “Yavapai College is committed to providing educational, cultural enrichment, and athletic opportunities to all of Yavapai County. I am excited to bring volleyball competitions to the residents in the Verde Valley. These are just the first of many [Community College] athletic competitions in the Verde Valley. We are also planning baseball and softball games this spring, and we plan to continue to increase the number of competitions in the future.”
The athletic programs, all of which emanate from the Prescott Campus, annually spend an estimated $1.7 million in coaching salaries and related expenses. In addition, they provide athletes with about $650,000 in scholarship assistance from the College’s General Fund.
At the April 2020 Governing Board meeting, the issue of scholarships and out-county recruitment was raised by Third District Representative Paul Chevalier. In response to his questions, it was learned that the College is taking major steps to change how it handles athletic scholarships and recruiting. This included seeking to raise funds to support the scholarship program.
At the October 2020 Governing Board meeting, the Community College announced a five-year plan was in the works to use the Foundation to support all athletic scholarships and a plan to lower out-state tuition for athletes that will allow a wider national recruiting by coaches.
Mr. Chevalier has constantly raised issues regarding equitable distribution of resources and the cost of the athletic department, which does not benefit the entire County. The most recent decisions by the Community College president appear to be another victory for his persistent efforts in this area.
Note: Both of the volleyball matches are free for all ages to attend. They will also be live-streamed at The first 25 people in attendance will receive a free duffle bag from Yavapai College.