Dr. Rhine told group that the College is ready to “begin the process” of providing CTE in the east region

Dr. Lisa Rhine
Dr. Lisa Rhine and her staff met with elected Verde Valley officials in Sedona Tuesday, June 4 where they discussed construction of a new skilled trades center in the east region of the County. Dr. Lisa Rhine is quoted as saying:
“I’ve heard your requests for the need of skilled trades programming in the Verde Valley. Yavapai College is here and we are ready to begin the process in satisfying this need to provide the educational opportunities and infuse the workforce on the east side of Yavapai County.”
The College news release about the meeting from Community College Senior Public Information Officer Tim Diesch, said that “preliminary discussions were led by Yavapai College President Dr. Lisa Rhine and her executive leadership team.” Elected officials from Camp Verde, Clarkdale, Cottonwood, Sedona, and Yavapai Apache Nation were in attendance.
The Community College is calling the possible new facility the “Skilled Trades Center at Yavapai College.” According to the news release, it would provide a number of career and technical education programs in the Verde Valley in a building that has a similar look, feel, and flexibility to the College’s CTE Center near the Prescott Airport, the college news release stated.
The plan is for the CTE center to be built on the Yavapai College Verde Valley Campus as a completely new structure, according to the news release.
“Programming will be developed based off of input from a core group of elected officials, industry employers, and education leaders from the east side of Yavapai County.”
The initial timeline for the center will start in August with program planning. Construction is planned to begin in the summer of 2020 with the goal to have the center open for classes for the fall 2021 semester pending District Governing Board approval.
Sources: Yavapai Community College Public Information Officer Tim Diesch; Verde Independent, Friday June 7, 2019.