Lauds Community College efforts in renovating Building “L” but urges greater focus on the “trades”

Cottonwood Mayor Tim Elinski
Cottonwood Mayor Tim Elinski spoke to the Governing Board at its April 23 meeting on the Verde Valley Campus and offered his full cooperation to the College in developing Career and Technical Education in the east region of the County.
He commented that the City had a “lot of projects that are kicking off soon” including housing projects but the area does not have a sufficient workforce. But “we’re doing all we can to be sure that we have workforce ready kids” for those projects.
He said there was a real shortage of trained trades men and women and that “we’re reaching a crisis.” He said that he wanted to extend whatever he could do to the Board and the President to provide opportunities for students and to the extent possible partner with the College.
Mayor Elinski lauded the Community College for its efforts in renovating Building “L” for the nursing program but emphasized a need to focus more on “trade specific programs.”
You may view all of his three minute presentation to the Governing Board below.