Applauds renovating Building “L” for Allied health and nursing but is concerned budget shows no future commitment to additional CTE training

Third District Representative Paul Chevalier
Third District Yavapai Community College District Governing Board representative Paul Chevalier expressed concern over the future of career and technical education development in the Verde Valley at the Tuesday Board meeting. Mr. Chevalier pointed out that there was nothing in the Community College budget over the next 3 to 4 years to indicate facilities for programs outside the medical area would be considered.
Vice president Clint Ewell responded that a portion of one of the two floors in building “L” was set aside for manufacturing. However, Mr. Chevalier pointed out that the space set aside in Building “L” was not an adequate for programs such as diesel and automobile programs. He also evinced a belief (shared with many on the east side of the County) that a CTE facility for broader training programs should be more centrally located than on the Verde Campus. Board chair Ray Sigafoos suggested that nothing was written in stone and opined that there could be future changes.
Mr. Chevalier reminded the Board that 19 years ago when a $69.5 billion bond was passed to improve facilities District-wide, it was anticipated that a large number of CTE courses would be taught on the Verde Campus in Building “L” including Carpentry, Air Conditioning, Electrical, Automotive Technician, Welding, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Commercial Driver’s License Training, and Truck Driving among Others. He argued that the Community College should try and live up to those aspirations.
You may view some clips from the Board meeting where Mr. Chevalier is making these arguments on behalf of District 3 below.