Subset of Committee visits existing facilities in Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley on July 24, 2019
Yavapai Community College president Dr. Lisa Rhine has created a Verde Valley Planning Committee to help with the first phase of developing a Career and Technical Education facility on the east side of Yavapai County on the Verde Valley Campus. A subset of the total Committee members visited various College facilities on the west side of the County Wednesday, July 24, 2019.
Among those Committee members touring west side facilities on Wednesday were: Yavapai-Apache Nation Tribal Council Chairwoman Jane Russell-Winiecki, Cottonwood Mayor Tim Elinski, and Camp Verde Town Manager Russ Martin. The purpose of the tour was to give the Committee members a sense of how the Community College delivers its programs on the west side of the County and help better inform Committee discussions about an east side CTE facility. The Community College has not yet furnished the public with a complete list of the membership of the Committee.
Here is what Dr. Rhine told the Sedona Council about the Planning Committee:

Dr. Lisa Rhine
“At a board meeting in the early spring I heard a message loud and clear from this side of the mountain. That was a need for a skills trade center in this region.
“I followed up that meeting with a convening of the elected officials on the east side of Yavapai County to announce that we would begin the planning phase of a skills training center on the Verde Valley campus. The participants at that meeting agreed to come together and identify community people that the college could begin to work with to plan that facility. The planning committee that we will convene will work with us to design the academic programming that will take place in that facility and will guide our design process.
“Tomorrow, Yavapai College is hosting a subset of those participants, elected officials from the East side and they asked to tour West side facilities. Our Chino Valley facility, our Prescott Valley facility, and the Career and Technical Education Center at the Prescott airport. So that they have a sense of how we deliver our programs on the west side and that will help to inform the discussions when we discuss what we will do here on the east side.”
[Blog transcription. The transcription may be checked for accuracy by viewing Dr. Rhine’s statement to the Sedona City County by clicking here.]