Students on Prescott campus move into renovated housing; no similar housing planned for Verde Valley

Artists concept posted by Yavapai College of kitchen area of new student housing.
The Yavapai Community College estimates that about 130 students will be living in the new Marapai residence hall dorm this semester. Another 90 students will be living in the Kachina residence, which was completely renovated last year. There are no student housing plans for the Verde Valley. Source: Prescott Courier. For artist renderings of the new facilities, please click here.
To the left is an artist’s rendering of the renovated kitchen area of one of the new student housing projects. The estimated cost for renovating the two dormitory areas is $5 million dollars. The project was approved in 2012 – 2013 by the Yavapai Community College Governing Board.
The Board has refused to construct student housing anywhere outside Prescott. This has been a major barrier to full development of the Verde campus in Clarkdale. It is in part responsible for problems with supporting the Sedona Film School, which was closed by the College this year.