CTEC Parking lot upgrades; space for High School Mountain Academy; landscaping
Construction at the Career and Technical Education Center at the Prescott Airport continues unabated despite continued drop in enrollment, which now measures something around 6,000 students in ten years (using College headcount data). The most recent report from the College on construction at CTEC came at the August 9, 2016 District Governing Board meeting.
The improvements at CTEC include new offices for the Mountain Institute, the JTED for the West side of Yavapai County. There was also extensive work done to landscape CTEC and redo the parking lots that surround it. All of the improvements are being paid for by property taxes and tuition. This includes the facility constructed for the high school Mountain Institute program that benefits the West side of the County but not the East side. (It’s a great idea; too bad the East County is left out.)
The photos that follow were contained in the Agenda provided to the District Governing Board on August 9, 2016.