Editorial charges College wants more but offers nothing–but happy to steal our cash
A May 22, 2015 editorial written by Red Rock News managing editor, Christoper Fox Graham, blistered the Community College for asking for a property tax increase while offering little more in educational programs in the Verde Valley.
Mr. Graham charged that “despite meetings and seeming steps toward equanimity, the college has yet to listen as it has not made any changes to its 10-year plan.” He pointed out that the Verde Campus Executive Dean who is the “best advocate for the Verde Valley has no real community connection to his students other than having an occasionally-used office on this side of the mountain.”

Christopher Fox Graham
Graham observed that “the college already raised tuition and fees on students and now, to add insult to injury, the college is asking for as much as a 2 percent property tax increase to help pay for the misguidance in shifting programs and construction projects away from Verde Valley taxpayers who are asked to foot the increased bill.”
He concluded that “a county community college is supposed to serve all county residents equally. Yavapai College hasn’t and it appears that short of a lawsuit or secession from the taxing district or even the county, college officials will continue to ignore us but be happy to steal our cash.”
The complete editorial may be read by clicking here.