Apparently, Yavapai Community College financially backed the production in Prescott; Cottonwood and Sedona sponsored the program locally
The Missoula Children’s Theatre production had a very successful tour in Yavapai County in June of this year. Among the communities participating were Cottonwood, Sedona, and the west side of the County as represented by Yavapai Community College.
The production company fees are paid for in a variety of ways. In the case of Sedona, the local Rotary Club and other sponsors supported the project. In Cottonwood, the Parks and Recreation Department was the driving force.
In Prescott, it appears (but we cannot verify because the College will not return questions about it) that Yavapai Community College picked up the costs associated with the program. The Performing Arts Center on the Prescott Campus was the center for the program and the productions by the children were listed as events by the College.
The production company provided two professional actor/directors along with costoumes and other theatre paraphernalia. The program runs five days with 20 hours of rehearsal for children ranging in ages beginning in kindergarten through 12th grade. The cast can consist of up to 60 local children who put on two productions.
The Missoula Children’s Theatre organization says that its primary goal is the development of life skills in children through participation in the performing arts. It states that “within each MCT cast, girls and boys are equal; the disabled become able; the shy experiment with bravery; the slow are rehearsed to perfection; and the gifted become part of the whole. The lesson they learn is that all of them are necessary for the show to go on. Few arenas exist where responsibility is taught and learned so clearly. MCT provides a unique opportunity to learn the lessons of group dynamics while excelling as an individual – a lesson from art that carries into life. MCT strives to use participation in the performing arts as a vehicle to develop lifeskills including social skills, communication skills, self-discipline, a strong work ethic, an understanding of the team concept and self-esteem.”

Children’s Theater Group: Yavapai Community College PAC