VA crackdown on College may be one cause for poor summer aviation enrollment
The aviation program at the Community College Career and Technical Education Center showed low enrollment in several classes for the 2015 summer session. In checking the courses that were offered and scheduled to begin in May, there were several courses that ended up with 4 or fewer students. For example, the Private Pilot Airplane Ground course had one student sign up for it. It could accommodate 24 students. Helicopter Ground I had 4 students; Commercial pilot Ground 1 had 1 student; Flight instrument air ground had 3 students; Pilot preventative maintenance had 1 student; Commercial Pilot Air Trans had 2 students; Airplane pilot preventative maintenance had 1 student.
Recall that the College claimed that it had 40 students waiting to take education courses in May of this year when it received the letter from the VA stating it would no longer fund VA training in the aviation.
The chart below was taken from the College registration module and is believed to be reasonably accurate. The low enrollment may be the result of the Veterans Administration crack-down on the College for failing to meet the minimum percentage of non veterans in aviation courses and refusing to fund an incoming group of about 24 vets. When you see 24/24, this means that the course had 24 student seats and that no one signed up for the course.