Majority decides it should be up to President as they lack expertise and originally gave her authority as to when to close down in-person classes; minority says reopening in-person classes is of such grave magnitude that it should be the Governing Board’s ultimate responsibility
At its April meeting, the Yavapai Community College Governing Board discussed whether the decision to reopen face-to-face in-person classes should be made by them or the President. The discussion, which was opened by Representative Paul Chevalier, focused on the seriousness of the Covid19 threat to students and who should assume the enormous responsibility of deciding when the College reopens face-to-face in-person classes.

Paul Chevalier
Chevalier reminded the Board that if students are returned to face-to-face in-person classes before an effective vaccine is available, the decision presents a life and death situation. Because of the unique circumstances and the weight of making such a decision, he argued that the Governing Board “should not” delegate the responsibility to make that kind of decision to the President. He also said that the Board is responsible to the public and should not delegate this issue because of that responsibility.

Deb McCasland
Governing Board Chair Deb McCasland argued that President Rhine was in a better position than the Board to make the decision to reopen face-to-face in-person classes because she is in communication with other colleges and many other authorities that she will provide guidance. When compared to Dr. Rhine, McCasland said “I don’t believe that as a Board member I will have the vast range of knowledge needed” to determine the appropriate time to reopen face-to-face in-person classes.

Lisa Rhine
President Rhine said that reopening face-to-face in-person classes was “operational” and “her responsibility.” She also said that she did not think removing the final decision from her was necessary.

Pat McCarver
Board member Pat McCarver indicated that she wanted to be notified in advance of the decision to reopen, and surmised that this would happen. She reminded the Board that it had delegated to the Community College President the decision of when to close face-to-face in-person classes so allowing her to determine when to restart face-to-face in-person classes appeared consistent with the earlier decision.

Ray Sigafoos
Board member Ray Sigafoos said he was not an “expert in this matter” and the President should rely on experts. He also said that he doubted the Governing Board would have the kind of information available to it to make the decision as to when it was appropriate to reopen face-to-face in-person classes.
Ultimately, McCasland, Sigafoos, and McCarver voted to leave the ultimate decision of when it was appropriate to reopen face-to-face in-person classes in the hands of President Rhine.
Video clips of the discussion by the Governing Board on this issue can be found in the video posted below.