Alabama graduate, Masters from Auburn, working at the University of Montana with decade of OLLI experience at Auburn University before moving to Montana will live in Sedona

Linda Shook
In a College press release, it announced that it had hired Linda Shook as the Associate Dean for the Sedona Center and Program Director for Osher Lifelong Learning Program.
The College reported that Ms. Shook will live in Sedona.
Shook is a graduate of the University of Alabama and holds as Master’s Degree from Auburn University in Adult and Continuing Education Administration. She spent the last year as the interim Summer Programs Coordinator/Summer Director at the University of Montana.
Prior to taking the position at the University of Montana, she served a decade with the OLLI program at Auburn University and spent a four-year stint as its director before moving to Montana.
She will be the guest of honor at OLLI’s kick-off spring luncheon programs. The first “Lunch and Learn” will be held on Wednesday, January 30, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m., in room 34 of Yavapai College’s Sedona Center.
She will also be the guest of honor at the second lunch called the “Brown Bag Brain Buzz,” which will be at the Verde Valley Campus Thursday, January 31, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in Room G-106.
According to the College press release, Shook will serve as the local OLLI Director and the Associate Dean of the Yavapai College Sedona Center, “the head of the College’s Community Education program in the Verde Valley, the organizer of the College’s programs for local high school students (specifically, their College for Kids Program), and the liaison between Yavapai College and the Sedona and Verde Valley city governments and other entities concerned with higher education and economic development in this area.”
It appears she will have her administrative plate overflowing with all these programs to oversee.