October/November Special Events illustrate the enormous disparity between campus development on the East and West sides of Yavapai County
Yavapai Community College has released its schedule of special events for the months of October and November. As you can see from the chart that follows, there are eleven special events planned for the Prescott Campus and only two for the Verde Campus in Clarkdale. None are planned for the Sedona Center even though taxpayers in the Sedona Taxing District pay over $7.3 million annually to support the College.
As those who have attended the special events can attest to, on the Prescott Campus you can order a dinner and a show. It is the only Community College in the nation that has invested $5 million dollars in its student auditorium to convert it into a dinner theatre.
On the Verde Campus you can purchase a can of pop for a dollar at the two events.

Dinner and show: As advertised on the College web site.