“College’s culture needs overhaul, starting at the top”
In an editorial in the October 7, 2015 Cottonwood Journal Extra, written by Christopher Fox Graham, he suggests that the Wills’ Yavapai College Administration should go.

Christopher Fox Graham
Mr. Graham wrote, in part, discussing the decision by the Northern Arizona Council of Governments to remove the College representative from the Work Force Development Board:
“Part of the top-down culture at the college * * * has little to no understanding about community needs or understanding how projects or operations at the other government agencies might serve the community. A community college should be an ally, not a hindrance, to other local governments.”
He concluded his editorial observing that:
“Under Wills, the culture of the college has become so myopic and unresponsive to the Verde Valley that session from the college taxing district and the establishment of our own college is gaining ground. The other option might be removing the troublesome administration from the top down, and build a new college culture responsive to all taxpayers equally.”
The entire editorial can be read by clicking here.