April 13 invitation only forum at the Community Room, Verde Valley Campus, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. intended to hide views of politicos from public so College can later spin its views on the gathering

Yavapai Community College has remained committed to baring the press and public from observing a gathering of local political figures about the future of the College that will be held April 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the Verde Valley Campus. It has gone so far as to put together a secret list of invitees it will share with no one. It includes mayors and other elected officials from the East County.
The College, which will control the agenda and the information supplied to the politicos, is frightened that observers and the press may challenge the accuracy and/or truthfulness of the information it hands out during the meeting after it is closed out. Therefore, the gathering must be protected from public and press scrutiny.
Third District Governing Board member, Connie Harris, thinks keeping the meeting hidden from the public and the press is a good idea. She said during a Board meeting that such a forum provides a place for “safe with anonymous feedback.”
Running these types of meetings reveals just how little President Wills actually believes in her claim that the College must be transparent.