Despite “certain illnesses,” asking others to run in the District for the seat, and loaning his campaign at least $5,000, he won the November election by 6,443 votes to his challenger, Wayne Meddaugh’s 5,652; unfounded rumors may have helped push victory to Sigafoos

Wayne Meddaugh

Ray Sigafoos
Ray Sigafoos retained his District #1 seat on the Yavapai Community College Governing Board by getting about 53 percent of the vote (with 13 of 14 precincts reporting) at the Tuesday, November 6 election.
Sigafoos had indicated before he announced he was going to run for the Board that he had certain undisclosed illnesses. It was thought his health might prevent him from running. He was first appointed to the Board in 2005 and ran unopposed at two prior elections for the seat.
Sigafoos had also asked others to run for the District #1 seat but his request was rejected. He then filed.
The stakes were high for the District #1 seat because it was clear that Wayne Meddaugh would welcome and cooperate with the Verde Valley representatives. Sigafoos was seen as someone who would protect the west side of the County from giving the east side an equitable opportunity at developing a strong community college presence. In doing so, he would be less than cooperative.
Sigafoos may have been helped by unfounded rumors circulating in Prescott that if Meddaugh and Paul Chevalier won the election, the Verde Valley would take the Community College away from Prescott. And that big donors would refuse to follow through on anticipated donations.
Meddaugh ran a conservative campaign and could not match the thousands of dollars that Sigafoos put into the effort.
Governing Board watchers speculate that Sigafoos ran to block Meddaugh and will probably resign long before his new six-year term is up.