Community College public data provided only a trickle of information regarding her accomplishments; Blog provides a flood of data

Dr. Lisa Rhine
The Blog has obtained comprehensive information on Lisa B. Rhine, one of the three candidates seeking the position of President of Yavapai Community College. Unfortunately, the College announcements contained very little in the way of her background or the other two candidates.
The Blog is working on obtaining information about the other two candidates that may be helpful.
Dr. Rhine’s background information is extensive.
Lisa B. Rhine Bio
Lisa B. Rhine, Ph.D. is the third provost of the Chesapeake Campus of Tidewater Community College in Chesapeake, Virginia. Prior to joining Tidewater Community College in August 2013, she served for two years as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs following a three years appointment as Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at Northern Kentucky University.
Previous to NKU, she served as Associate Provost for Student Success and Retention at Wittenberg University, Director of Learning Enhancement and Academic Development at the University of Dayton and Manager of Educational Support Services, among other positions, at Sinclair Community College in Ohio. With an educational career spanning more than twenty-eight years, Dr. Rhine’s passions have focused on expanding educational access and equity and leveraging collaborative partnerships internally and externally that increase educational opportunity and improve student success.
At Tidewater Community College, she spearheaded the creation of six career/technical dual enrollment pathways in partnership with local industry and the K-12 school division. Students achieve college credentials and necessary industry credentials concurrent with high school graduation creating a pipeline of qualified, skilled workers prepared for high wage, high demand jobs in the local community.
She also led the development of the five-year Quality Enhancement Plan required for reaccreditation to improve student learning. The Q.E.P., entitled P.A.C.E: Progressive Academic and Career Experience, lays out an innovative, intentional path for career readiness that spans the student journey to graduation. PACE requires intentional touchpoints throughout the college experience where students discern their interests and strengths, align them with an educational goals and participate in career exploration and experiential learning opportunities.
At NKU, Dr. Rhine led a college-wide initiative to improve student success and retention including creation of the infrastructure called University Connect and Persist . UCAP provides intentional networks of support for student to improve service delivery and retention and completion outcomes for students. She also coled (SP) the college-wide effort and served as college liaison to the John Gardner Institute in implementation of the Foundations of Excellence Program to improve first year student success and progression to second year.
In 2016, Dr. Rhine was named an Aspen Presidential Fellow in the inaugural class by the Aspen Institute. The fellowship is a highly selective yearlong program to prepare those aspiring to or recently appointed to the community college presidency.
Dr. Rhine is also a 2012 graduate for the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ (AASCU) Millennium Leadership Initiative. MLI is a premier leadership program that provides individuals traditionally underrepresented in the highest ranks of higher education the opportunity to develop skills, gain a philosophical overview and build the network needed to advance to the presidency.
Dr. Rhine [says she] understands the challenges that many students face along their paths to success. She was a first generation college student who worked full-time while pursuing her college education.
She holds a doctorate in educational administration from Capella University and a master’s in special education from the University of Dayton.
She graduated magna cum laude with her bachelor’s in rehabilitation counseling from Wright State University and has a certificate in deaf studies from Sinclair Community College. Dr. Rhine and her husband, also a life-long educator, have two children. Both sons attend college in Virginia.
March 9, 2018
Marti J. Cizek
Cizek Associates, Inc.
RE: Presidential Position, Western Nevada College
Dear President Cizek,
Please accept this letter as a sincere expression of my interest in the position of President of Western Nevada College. This position aligns closely with my interests, expertise and experience.I have twenty-eight years of successful leadership experience in postsecondary education at both community colleges and universities in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia. Currently, I am the Provost and Chief Operating Officer of the Chesapeake Campus, the Regional Automotive Center and the Tri-Cities Center at Tidewater Community College. TCC is one of 23 community colleges in the Virginia Community College System led by one Chancellor. TCC has 4 campuses and 7 regional centers, each campus with a provost serving as chief administrative officer of the campus.
The college, headed by one president, serves a service area encompassing the cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach and 31,300 credit students annually. My campus is TCC’s second largest with a headcount enrollment of 12,700 creditstudents annually.
My responsibilities include leadership and oversight for all aspects of the instructional, academic and administrative programs and student services, faculty and staff, campus facilities, operations and budget. With my resolute commitment to student success, demonstrated community engagement and intentional team-building skills, I am confident that I am ready to continue Western Nevada College’s tradition of delivering accessible, affordable, and high quality education to students in Carson City, Fallon, Minden, Fernley, Yerington, Silver Springs and Dayton.
Nationally, community colleges face declining budgetary support from the state, moral and economic arguments for shifting focus from enrollment to completion and changing economicand community needs. While this imposes a challenge to college leadership, it also presents enormous opportunity to transform and significantly improve the student experience which aligns with my personal passion. As a first-generation college student, my children’s lives are drastically different from my own because of the opportunities afforded me by my education.
Higher education serves as the catalyst that breaks the cycle of under-education and poverty for many. I personally understand how education transforms lives and my purpose is to inspire others to leverage education in the same way. However, too many learners come to college and leave before they are prepared for employment or higher levels of education. If we fall short on our promise, we may leave students worse off than when they came with additional evidence of failure, disappointment and college debt.
As president, I will foster an environment and culture of care that increases students’ likelihood of achieving their academic goals, leading to life-changing opportunity. Colleges that have changed institutional culture by placing students first, affirm leadership as the critical element in their ability to carry out the work. I am a leader that believes that leadership in our institutions, at its core, is about the cultivation, development and maintenance of respectful relationships with faculty, staff and students. I work tirelessly to develop and nurture a cohesive, unified environment empowered to deliver on our college’s promise to meet students where they are and walk with them as they journey toward their individual goals. I value participatory governance and work to hear the voices of all constituents that impact our institution.
As a leader, I intentionally reflect on my own actions and decisions daily and consider their impact on people. I am decisive, keep my word, stick to my principles and am consistent in my behavior and am not swayed by trivialities. While my style is direct, I combine my directness with empathy. I push myself and others to maintain high standards of accountability while we pursue excellence. I will leverage these relationship skills to continue Western Nevada’s strong community connections by generating robust partnerships with business and industry, school divisions and universities.
In Chesapeake, I created an Industry-Education Partnerships Model tying together regional business partners by industry cluster, economic development city staff, K-12 and college entities to align industry needs with creation of new educational pathways to meet needs of high demand, high pay occupations. I currently am partnering with the Chesapeake Integrated BioEnergy Complex on submission of a U.S. Department of Energy proposal to establish a new Tidewater Community College environmental/STEM Center at the BioEnergy Complex.
Another example of a community partnership is my work with the Norfolk Sheriff’s Department and President of Priority Automotive on a public-private partnership that establishes a reentry program for non-violent offenders to receive a degree in automotive technology, a guaranteed cooperative education site and a guaranteed job post-release.
I have a long history of establishing and implementing innovative student services and academic support programs at various institutions. I’ve authored and implemented collegewide enrollment management plans for two institutions. I currently serve on the Virginia Community College System’s Chancellor’s task force entitled Applying the Community College Mission of Virginia’s 21st Century Needs which is focused on developing system-wide recommendations on enrollment growth strategies.
I started my career in higher education as a learning disabilities specialist in 1989. I had the opportunity to create the very first disability services support program at the college with the passage of the American’s with Disabilities Act in 1990. I partnered with ten Ohio colleges and state education and rehabilitation agencies to determine how we would structure and provide access and support for students with various disabilities as well as establish and implement procedure and policy.
I had a chance to do the same thing a second time at the University of Dayton, building their support service program from the ground up for a private, four-year college. Access for all students and equity of opportunity and treatment form the basis of my educational training and firmly form my beliefs that extend to all students.
I’ve been appointed to the Commission on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity by the American Association of Community Colleges and serve on an Apsen Fellows task force that is examining structural racism focused on expanding our capacity to advance the equity agenda on community college campuses. I am involved in the national conversation on race and equity in the community college and am committed to efforts that build, maintain, and promote a culture of equity and inclusion in our institutions including the recruitment, hiring and retention of diverse faculty and staff.
I have significant experience with and a thorough understanding of accreditation processes. In 2014, I was nominated and trained to serve as a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges academic peer evaluator. I continue to serve on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges’ registry.
At Tidewater Community College, I served on the leadership team that developed the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Accreditation Reaffirmation Report. I chaired a workgroup formed to respond to the on-site committee’s recommendations for reaffirmation.
I had the pleasure of serving as the college-wide steering committee chair for the development of Tidewater Community College’s Quality Enhancement Plan. I worked for two years with a forty-five member committee to design and develop our Quality Enhancement Plan. The plan integrates career preparation at each stage of the student lifecycle to ensure alignment of chosen academic pathway, career readiness and participation in experiential learning.
I have facilitated development of new curricular programs including the AAS Electrical Technology, AAS Diesel Technology, AAS Maritime Technologies, AAS Management Specialization in Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship; Career Studies Certificates in Inside Machinist, Career Studies Certificate in Collision Repair: Refinishing and Career Studies Certificate in Collision Repair: Non-structural. I facilitated the redesign of the AAS degree in American Sign Language English Interpretation.
I facilitated, with the academic deans, the curricular revision of all of the Career Studies Certificates to ensure that all are stackable to the Associates Degree and eligible for financial aid. With declining state support most colleges must shift toward development of gifts, grants and partnerships to supplement support of programs and activities. Believing in the old adage: “people give to people,”
I work to develop relationships with potential community partners and to seek opportunities for grant funding and gifts. Always seeking alternative revenue sources, I work closely with faculty and deans and our community partners and agencies to build relationships that create opportunities for collaboration that would be mutually beneficial. By focusing our efforts on meeting the needs of the community, I was able to garner resources in excess of 2.2 million dollars from multiple entities for the Chesapeake Campus.
I was honored to be nominated by my president and then selected as an Aspen Presidential Fellow for Community College Excellence in the Inaugural Class of 2016-17 by the Aspen Institute. The fellowship provided me with one-of-a-kind thought-provoking learning, networking and mentoring by Aspen Institute and Stanford University faculty, as well as some of the nation’s top community college presidents and higher education experts. The strategic curriculum centers on leading for impact, leading transformational change and partnering for collective action. My association with Aspen and this incredible network continues and I bring these skills and connections to the presidential position at Western Nevada College.
As we work toward our enrollment and student success goals, I firmly believe that placing learning at the center of all that we do is fundamental. By creating a very robust, deliberately planned learning experience for students, we can generate the outcomes that we want and that our students deserve. As president, I will empower and enable our faculty and staff to use their talents to plan and execute that experience despite the inherent challenges that we face.
I am committed to understanding the learning needs and interests of our students while enabling them to take stake in the learning process. By continually improving the student experience we can fulfill our promise to educate and assist our student with achieving their goals and realizing their dreams. I would very much like the opportunity to speak with you further about the position. Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully, Lisa B. Rhine, Ph.D. Provost Chesapeake Campus, Tidewater Community CollegeLisa B. Rhine, Ph.D.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE, CHESAPEAKE, VIRGINIA, 2013-Present PROVOST AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, CHESAPEAKE CAMPUS Serve as Provost and Chief Operating Officer providing overall administration of the campus, annual budget and supervision of over 550 full and part-time employees. Responsible for advancing the college’s mission and strategic plan in support of student success for 12,700 credit students annually. Responsibilities include comprehensive administration and operation of the Chesapeake Campus, The Regional Automotive Center and the Tri-Cities Center. Responsible for the enforcement of the Virginia Community College System’s policies and procedures, a quality instructional and student service services program, personnel hiring, appointments and evaluation, faculty staffing plan and vacancy reallocations, academic equipment plan for educational trust funds, budget development and maintenance and physical plant operations. Garnered resources worth in excess of 2.2 million dollars for campus programs and services. Served on leadership team developing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Accreditation Reaffirmation Report and served as college-wide steering committee chair for the development of the Quality Enhancement Plan. KEY CONTRIBUTIONS · Collaborated with Chesapeake Public School Division Superintendent to design and implement six dual enrollment academic pathways (4 in career/technical programs) for 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 for the General Studies Certificate, Associate of Science in Social Sciences, Mechatronics Certificate, Collision Repair Technologies Certificate, Welding, and Electrical Wiring, Planning for fall 2018 in Information Technology-Cyber Security, and Pharmacy Technician · Facilitated development of new curricular programs including AAS Electrical Technology, AAS Diesel Technology, AAS Maritime Technologies, AAS Management Specialization in Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship; Career Studies Certificates in Inside Machinist, Career Studies Certificate in Collision Repair: Refinishing and Career Studies Certificate in Collision Repair: Non structural · Facilitated curricular revision of all Career Studies Certificates to ensure that they are stackable to the Associates Degree and are eligible for financial aid · Improved efficiency in course scheduling through use of data tools and efficiency targets · Partnered with industry, K-12 and city economic development staff to implement an Industry-Education Partnerships Model tying together regional industry partners, economic development city staff and K-12 system by industry cluster to align industry needs with creation of new educational pathways · Partnering with the Chesapeake Integrated BioEnergy Complex on submission of a U.S. Department of Energy proposal to establish a new Tidewater Community College environmental /STEM Center at the BioEnergy Complex · Partnering with the Norfolk Sheriff’s Department and President of Priority Automotive on a public-private partnership that will establish a reentry program for non-violent offenders to receive a degree in automotive technology, a guaranteed cooperative education site and a guaranteed job post release · Realigned academic divisions to include a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics dean and realignment of all academic areas to best serve students and college · Led college-wide Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Quality Enhancement Plan as Steering Committee Chair on Topic of Career Preparation; Led 45 member, crossfunctional team from all campuses and centers through 2-year process to develop topic and strategy and wrote 5-year implementation plan for 2017 implementation · Oversaw construction and opening of o Chesapeake Academic Building: 16.3 M and 60K SQ FT, Fall 2013 o Chesapeake Student Center: 15M and 58K SQ FT, Spring 2014 o Chesapeake East Parking Garage: 26M & 4 Tier; 1200 car, Spring 2016 o Precision Machining Laboratory, Fall 2014 · Launched FORD Motor Company Automotive Student Service Education Training Program as fourth manufacturer program at the Tidewater Community College Regional Automotive Cente · Created opportunities for development of new Vets to Solar and Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) programs that utilize the Department of Defense Skillbridge for Veterans exiting the military to receive short term non-credit certificates that lead to high demand industry certifications in solar installation and manufacturing and are stackable to credit pathways · Partnered with City of Chesapeake to offer Veterans Benefits Office on campus creating synergy and support for student veterans and their families · Collaborated college-wide by facilitating processes for developing an institutional inventory of programs and services that support student success and retention; created a common set of co-curricular competencies for our student success programming college-wide; aligned competencies with activities and services and developing outcome measures · Collaborating with the Chesapeake Public School Division implemented the first summer bridge program for underrepresented populations at the Chesapeake Campus · Collaborated with workforce solutions to create 5 new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics summer camps on the Chesapeake Campus: Maker Camp, Robotics Camp, Mechatronics Camp, Math Camp and Camp Osprey · Created the first comprehensive student leadership program for the Chesapeake Campus: Gear Up to Lead to include overnight retreat, common transitions course, community service and ongoing leadership series NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KENTUCKY 2008-2013 VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS (INTERIM) July 2011-June 2013 Served on President’s Executive Team and President’s Cabinet. Leadership, supervisory oversight and budgetary responsibility for the Student Affairs Division of 130 professional staff, 18 departments and 10M dollar divisional budget including Health, Counseling and Prevention Services, Testing and Disability Services, Career Development Center, University TRIO Programming: Upward Bound, Educational Talent Search, Student Support Services, Student Achievement Center, Early Childhood Center, University Connect & Persist, Student Life, Campus Recreation, University Housing, Student Union & Conference Services, Dean’s office/Judicial Affairs, African American Student Affairs, Latino Student Affairs & Orientation and Parent Programs. Direct Reports include the Interim Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, Interim Director of Administration, Senior Analyst for Research & Assessment, Executive Assistant and Administrative Assistant.
KEY CONTRIBUTIONS AS VICE PRESIDENT (INTERIM) · Partnered with Provost to integrate a data-driven retention strategy into the First Year Experience course including use of a longitudinal assessment, networking strategy and leading institutional indicators for student success · Partnered with Provost and VP for Administration & Finance to conceptualize, design and renovate the University Center into an innovative Student Success Center that leverages intersections between cross divisional units to improve student success and retention · Partnered with the Provost, to restructure Career Development from a traditional Student Affairs model to a cross collaborative hybrid model linking cooperative education to academic units in Informatics, Business and Arts and Science; garnered top-level support for funding and structure for meeting Higher Education Opportunity Act requirements for tracking graduate’s employment · Moved the Health, Counseling and Prevention Center to a billing for service model and implemented a hard-waiver insurance policy; created structure for clinical internship opportunities for counselors, social workers and psychologists in the Health Counseling Prevention Center · Garnered top level and university support for creating a systemic approach for implementing requirements of ‘Dear Colleague Letter’ for Title IX utilizing positions across divisional lines · Instituted a Quality Service Model campus-wide to articulate elements of Northern Kentucky University’s distinctive service delivery and designing Northern Kentucky University specific training for co-curricular services providers, front-line and new staff ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS, 2008-2011 Served on Student Affairs Leadership Team providing vision and strategic direction for division. supervisory and budgetary responsibility for over seventy-five staff in the areas of Health, Counseling and Prevention Services, Testing and Disability Services, Career Development Center, University TRIO Programming: Upward Bound, Educational Talent Search, Student Support Services, Student Achievement Center, Early Childhood Center, University Connect & Persist. Led university-wide retention effort integrating student development, engagement, retention, and success programs.
KEY CONTRIBUTIONS AS ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT · Provided college-wide leadership for establishing and maintaining an institutional focus on student success and retention. Co-Created a comprehensive retention model (CIRCLE Model: Changing Institutional Retention through Co-Curricular Learning Experiences) utilizing a systemic approach to cocurricular service delivery and assessment.
- The CIRCLE Model received the 2011 NASPA GOLD Excellence Award (1st place) from National Association of Student Personnel Administrators recognizing the contributions of members who are transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services, and effective administration. The centerpiece of the model: University Connect and Persist (UCAP) received the Innovative Project of the Year from the Kentucky Association of Developmental Education in 2009. · Implemented campus-wide Strategic Planning process resulting in identification and alignment of the divisional mission and goals with institutional priorities, Northern Kentucky University executive dashboard and 2012 business plan.
- Facilitated campus-wide processes for identification of eight learning domains and 39 student learning outcomes tied directly to student success indicators for all co-curricular programs. · Conducted Co-curricular mapping of retention-specific student learning outcomes to co-curricular programs · Co-authored the University Strategic Enrollment Management Plan including enrollment targets through 2014 for Northern Kentucky University; Serve as Tri-Chair of the Strategic Enrollment Management Leadership Team and Action Teams · Served as Institutional liaison to the John Gardner Institute and co-chair of the Foundation of Excellence campus-wide self-study of the first year. Created and provided oversight for 130 faculty and staff serving on 9 dimension committees reviewing aspects of the first year experience.
- Created a cross-divisional Crisis Response Team and action protocol for identifying and responding to students at-risk including personnel from the Dean of Students Office, Campus Police, Health Counseling, Housing and Legal Affairs · Served as divisional representative for development of the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) required to maintain accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, 2003-2008 ASSOCIATE PROVOST FOR STUDENT SUCCESS AND RETENTION Provided oversight of and leadership for all academic student success areas including Disability Services, The Early Warning System for Students at-Risk, Transfer Advising, faculty advising, self-designed interdepartmental major advising, The First Year Experience Program, Career Services, Summer Orientation Program for New Students, Probationary Interventions and Programs, Scholarship Competitions, Honors Convocation, the Community Service Program, The Summer Bridge Program, the Honor Council, and the Board of Academic Standards and Academic Integrity and the four Academic and Learning Support Centers: The Writing Center, The Math Workshop, the Oral Communication Center and the Foreign Language Learning Center. Duties also include: serving as university ombudsperson to ensure that students receive timely responses and resolutions to escalated student appeals, complex problems and complaints; investigating and authorizing all exceptions to university academic policy, independent study courses approval, overload requests, withdraws during and at the end of the semester, medical withdraws, study abroad exceptions and other academic petitions; serving as point person on university retention; responsible for annual university retention plan and university retention strategy.
KEY CONTRIBUTIONS · Created a comprehensive, collaborative, student-centered model for the first-year experience including a new administrative model and comprehensive program development that integrates transition to college life, vocational exploration, and early faculty-student collaboration · Incrementally improved fall to fall retention rate for all traditional undergraduate students from 82.96% in 2003 to 85.31% in 2007 · Restructured and shifted model of new student orientation from a five-day program to a 3 ½ day program and added summer orientation sessions to complete testing, registration and advising early in the summer to engage students earlier and reduce ‘summer melt’ · Created “Igniting the Spark” program that proposed a development process of discerning a student’s ‘light’ and using that ‘light’ for service to others
- Created and implemented the intervention for first-year students on academic probation or warning with the goal of improving number of students in good academic standing at the end of the first year
- Developed and implemented the first university tutor training program, according to national College Reading and Learning Association criteria. Obtained College Reading and Learning Association national tutor certification at level 1 for the Math Workshop and level 2 for the Writing Center
- Opened the first Foreign Language Learning Center on campus aimed at providing use of technology to improve foreign language learning and to support students in language acquisition
- Formalized the self-identification process for students with disabilities to identify to faculty. Created guidelines for appropriate documentation required to determine eligibility for disability classroom accommodation and housing accommodation. Created a database to track students eligible for accommodation and electronic creation of self-identification letters
- Introduced concept of a comprehensive early warning/alert system for identifying students at-risk early in the term. Worked closely with the Dean and Counseling services to implement parent concern identification and began development of online early alert form and the safety network
- Launched advising self-study team to review faculty advising models, training, evaluation, advisor load and reward systems. Completely revised the Academic Advising Manual for faculty advisors
- Created a system for evaluating and electronically tracking student petitions including independent study courses, overload requests, withdraws during and at the end of the semester, study abroad requests and other petitions · Served on the President’s Strategic Planning Implementation Team and co-chaired subsequent strategic planning implementation team responsible for implementing the student success objectives in the strategic plan · Authored successful State Library LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) program full grant to increase access to academic print information for students with disabilities in 13 Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education institutions.
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON, DAYTON, OHIO, 2000-2003 DIRECTOR OF LEARNING ENHANCEMENT & ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT, 2002-2003 Provided leadership for an array of programs and services aimed at improving student success and retention including: Disability Services, developmental courses in mathematics and English, tutorial programming, supplemental Instruction, Writing and Mathematics Labs, the Summer Trial Enrollment Bridge Program (STEP), Conditional Admission Programming, Probationary Programming and Peer Mentoring
DIRECTOR, OFFICE FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES, 2000-2002 Provided leadership for the Office for Students with Disabilities. Managed human resource activities related to recruitment, hiring, orientation, supervision and evaluation of staff. Provide budget management for all operations and activities of the office SINCLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE, DAYTON, OHIO, 1989-2000 MANAGER, EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES, 1999–2000 Provided leadership for Disability Services, the English as a Second Language Program, the Mental Health Support Program, Tutorial Services, and Supplemental Instruction PROGRAM MANAGER OF DISABILITY SERVICES, 1993-1999 Designed and implemented the first comprehensive disability services support program for the institution. Provided leadership, vision and supervision for the Office of Disability Services COUNSELOR, DISABILITY SERVICES, 1991-1993 Coordinated and monitored appropriate accommodations for caseload of 250 students with learning disabilities, head injuries, orthopedic, speech, hearing and psychiatric impairments
LEARNING DISABILITIES SPECIALIST, 1989-1991 Served as the institution’s first support person for students with learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries and attention deficit disorder
TEACHING EXPERIENCE AND ACADEMIC CERTIFICATIONS · Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges Academic Peer Evaluator, Educational Programs and Faculty, 2014-present
- Quality Matters Certified in delivering Online Instruction, Top Elite 2015, Tidewater Community College Quality Matters (QM) Certification I: Application of the Quality Matters Rubric completed 6-22-15 Quality Matters (QM) Certification II: Designing Your Online Course (DYOC) 7-20-15 · Adjunct Faculty; CSD 640 Theories of College Student Development, Graduate Course, Northern Kentucky University · RITA 101 Realizing Improvement Through Action, non-credit online course required for students on academic probation, Wittenberg University · Dissertation Committee Member for doctoral candidate Dr. Sheri Ensley Stover, Shifting Toward Learning Centered Principles: A Faculty Development Experiment, Capella University EDUCATION PH.D. Educational Administration Capella University, MN 2004 MS. ED Special Education University of Dayton, OH B.S. Rehabilitation Counseling Wright State University, OH CERTIFICATE Deaf Studies Sinclair Community College, OH AWARDS, RECOGNITIONS, APPOINTMENTS · Aspen Presidential Fellow- Inaugural Class- One of forty leaders selected from across the nation as a 2016 – 2017 Aspen Presidential Fellow for Community College Excellence, Aspen Institute ss_of_2016-17.pdf · Aspen Presidential Fellow Peer Mentor- for 2017-18 Aspen Fellows aspiring to the presidency.
- Commission on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. American Association of Community Colleges, Appointment as Commissioner: 7/1/17 to 6/30/20
- Virginia Community College System Chancellor’s Task Force on Applying the Community College Mission of Virginia’s 21st Century Needs, Focus on enrollment, retention, awareness and pathways, 2017- present
- Virginia Community College System Student Success Center Steering Committee, one of 12 national centers funded through the Kresge Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2016-present · Virginia Community College System General Education Outcomes Policy Review Task Force, Charged with reviewing current VCCS general education outcomes policy and making recommendations for changes to align with SCHEV policy and with changing educational needs of the Commonwealth and the nation; recommend two additional general education outcomes areas that will be assessed and reported to SCHEV by all VCCS colleges and minimal reporting guidelines for all VCCS colleges, 2017-present
- Citizen Service Award; Outstanding Dedication and Service to the Chesapeake Fire Department, 2017
- CIVIC Leadership Institute, Hampton Roads, Nominated by Tidewater Community College President Kolovani and selected for attendance in the 2013-14 Class, VA Leadership Program
- Leadership Northern Kentucky Nominated by Northern Kentucky University President Votruba and selected for attendance in Class of 2013
- Millennium Leadership Institute Class of 2012-Nominated by Northern Kentucky University President Votruba and selected for attendance at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU): a premier leadership development program that provides individuals traditionally underrepresented in the highest ranks of higher education the opportunity to develop skills, gain a philosophical overview and build the network needed to advance to the presidency
- 2011 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators GOLD Excellence Award CIRCLE Model: Changing Institutional Retention through Co-Curricular Learning Experiences Systemic Retention Model received the (1st place) from National Association of Student Personnel Administrators recognizing the contributions of members who are transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services, and effective administration
- 2009 Innovative Project of the Year, Kentucky Association of Developmental Education- University Connect and Persist (UCAP) Retention Model: An Innovative Service Delivery Model for Improving Student Success SELECTED PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS ACCREDITATION ACTIVITIES
- Serve on the leadership team developing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Reaffirmation of Accreditation Report for Tidewater Community College, 2016
- Serve as SACSCOC Academic Peer Evaluator, nominated and added to the Registry 2014-present
- Served as College-wide Steering Committee Chair for the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP): Progressive Academic and Career Experience, 2014-2017 · Chaired Workgroup formed to respond to the recommendations from the On-site Committee for Reaffirmation, Tidewater Community College, 2017
- Attended SACSCOC Annual Meetings, December 2014-2016 · Facilitated programmatic reaccreditation from the National Automotive Technician Education Foundation (NATEF) for the Automotive Program, Tidewater Community College, 2014 · Facilitated initial programmatic accreditation from the National Automotive Technician Education Foundation (NATEF) for the Diesel Program, Tidewater Community College, 2017
- Divisional Representative, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Implementation Team, Northern Kentucky University, 2009-10 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Tidewater Community College, Chesapeake Campus, garnered resources worth in excess of 2.2 million dollars, 2013-present Grants, funding and resources for which I was instrumental in attaining, designing, facilitating, and/or leading/implementing:
- 2013 2017 Virginia Department of Social Services, ASL Interpreter Program Support
- 2014-2016 VQRIS, Virginia Quality Rating and Improvement System, Assessment, Improvement of Quality in Early Childhood Education 2014-2015 VQRIS Virginia Quality Rating and Improvement System Activities, Virginia Beach: $25,000, Norfolk
- 2014-2018 Fine Arts Commission, City of Chesapeake · 2013 Virginia Community College System Chancellor Innovation Fund, Pathways to OER
- 2015 Virginia Community College System Chancellor Innovation Fund, Fabulous Fab Lab · 2015 Virginia Community College System, OER Adoption Grant · 2015 Virginia Community College System, Paul D. Lee Grant, Prof development resources for Mechatronics faculty using BlackBoard Collaborate
- 2016 17 Office of Naval Research, Higher Education Pathways for Maritime Mechatronics Technicians · 2016 Virginia Community College System Chancellor Innovation Fund, MyOpenMath Training · 2017 Achieving the Dream, OER Degree Initiative · 2017 Solar Energy Career Pathways, Collaborative with Dominion Power · 2017 National Science Foundation, CyberCorps Scholarship for Service · 2013-2017 City of Chesapeake, Technology for Chesapeake Campus Fund · 2016 Monarch Bank, Mechatronics Scholarship Industry Match · 2017 Sunenergy1, LLC, Alternative Energies · 2015-16 Honda Vehicles: Honda Fit, Honda Accord, Honda Pilot · 2015-16 HRADA: Hampton Roads Automotive Dealers Association Scholarships · 2015-16 Ford Vehicles: Ford Fusion, Ford Escape, Escape Ranger, Ford F-150 · 2014-1515 Chevrolet Vehicle: Chevrolet Equinox · 2015 Dodge Vehicle: Dodge Journey · 2015 Pontiac Vehicle: Pontiac Vibe · 2015-16 Sumitomo Drive Technologies, Mitsubishi Plastics, Usui International, GeoQuip Manufacturing, Mechatronics Dual Enrollment Scholarships · 2017 VQRIS, Virginia Quality Rating and Improvement System, Assessment, Improvement of Quality in Early Childhood Education Funding Enhancement · 2016-17 Commonwealth of VA, Department of Education, Special Education American Sign Language Interpreter Training · 2017 Langley Credit Union, Gear Up to Lead Provost’s Student Leadership Program · 2017 Collision Repair Education Foundation Ultimate Collision Education Makeover Grant · USAA STEM Dual Enrollment and Pre-apprenticeship Program (pending) SELECT PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS (past ten years) CHAPTERS IN EDITED VOLUMES · Rhine, L., Martinez-Saenz, M. & Davenport, Z. (2012) Creating Collaborative Conditions for Student Success. In S. Whalen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th National Symposium on Student Retention, 2012, New Orleans. Norman, OK: The University of Oklahoma · Rhine, L., Martinez-Saenz, M. & Davenport, Z. (2012). The Shifting Context of Strategic Enrollment Management Practice: The Student Success Conundrum, in B. Bontrager (Ed.) Strategic Enrollment Management: Transforming Higher Education. Washington, DC: AACRAO · Rhine, L. (2012). Future Considerations: Where Do We Go from Here? in L. Ward (Ed.) First Generation College Students: Understanding and Improving the Collegiate Experience from Recruitment to Commencement. Jossey-Bass REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS
- Rhine, L. & Westover, K. (2017) The Aspen Presidential Fellowship for Community College Excellence: The Application Process and the Experience, April 12-14, 2017, Virginia Community College System 2017 New Horizons Annual Conference, Roanoke, VA
- Rhine, L. & Stout, T. (2015) Building Partnerships and Curricular Pathways Utilizing Dual Enrollment. April 1-3, 2015, Virginia Community College System 2015 New Horizons Annual Conference, Roanoke, VA Rhine, L, & Davenport, Z. (2013) A Networking Approach to Co-Curricular Service Delivery, March 16- 20, 2013, NASPA 2013 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
- Rhine, L., Martinez-Saenz, M. & Davenport, Z. (2012) Creating Collaborative Conditions for Student Success, October 29-31, 2012, 8th Annual National Student Retention Conference, Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange at the University of Oklahoma, New Orleans, LA
- Rhine, L., Martinez-Saenz, M. & Davenport, Z. (2012) Are We Part of the Problem? Organizational Behavior and Its Impact on Student Success, June 14 & 15, 2012, Southwestern Ohio Consortium on Higher Education, Ohio Student Affairs Conference 2012: Strategic Student Services, Sustained Student Success. Dayton, OH
- Rhine, L. & Davenport, Z. Preconference Workshop: Co-curricular Impact on Student Retention: A Systemic Model of Institutional Action. March 13-16, 2011. American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACROA) 97th Annual Conference 2011. Seattle, WA · Rhine, L. Changing Institutional Retention through Co-Curricular Learning Experiences: A Systemic Retention Model. November 10, 2010. Retention 360 Conference. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities. Cincinnati, OH
- Rhine, L., Bontrager, B., Ingersol, R. and Haveland, M., Leadership Discussion on the Next Big Thing in Enrollment Management. June 23-25, 2010. EMAS Pro National Conference 2010: Engagement through Conversation. San Diego, CA
- Rhine, L., Bontrager, B. Ingersol, R. and Markle, R. Roundtable Discussion Leader on Usage of Data to Drive Decision Making. June 23-25, 2010. EMAS Pro National Conference 2010: Engagement through Conversation. San Diego, CA · Rhine, L. & Davenport, Z. Co-curricular Impact on Student Retention: A Systemic Model of Institutional Action. June 9-11, 2010. The Educational Policy Institute’s Retention 2010: An International Conference on Student Retention. Chicago, IL · Rhine, L., Davenport, Z., Markle, R. & Adams, P. Focusing on Co-Curricular Impact and its Role in Student Retention: Measuring the Impact of Co-Curricular Programs on Student Learning. February 21- 23, 2010. 10th Annual Texas A&M University Assessment Conference, College Station, TX · Rhine, L. & Schraffenberger, K. A Systemic, Data-Driven, Student-Focused Approach to Retention, Assessment & Student Success. June 2009. NASPA & International Center for Student Success and Institutional Accountability’s International Assessment and Retention Conference, New Orleans, LA INVITED PRESENTATIONS · Rhine, L. Virginia Board of Education Roundtable Discussion, July 19, 2016, Virginia Department of Education, Richmond, VA · Rhine, L., Kolovani, E., Summers, M., Boyd, J. & Woodhouse, M. Plenary Panel: Planning for Change: Cultural, Technological and Economic Shifts in Higher Education. March 9, 2015, Society of College & University Planning (SCUP) 2015 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Norfolk, VA · Rhine, L., Boykin, J., Lett-Brewington, L, & Curtis, C. (2014) Liberate & Educate! Empowering Women to Create Change Without Getting Short-Changed, November 15, 2014, Virginia Women’s Conference 2014, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA · Rhine, L. Keynote Address: Placing Students and Learning at the Center: Re-working Your Retention Approach. June 23-25, 2010. EMAS Pro National Conference 2010: Engagement through Conversation. San Diego, CA · Rhine, L., Martinez-Saenz, M., Davenport, Z., Bontrager, B., Ingersoll, R. & Ingersoll, D. Thought Leadership Seminar Series: Creating and Sustaining Effective Enrollment Management Programs & Services. Webinar. January 2013 COLLEGE COMMITTEES TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE · Member, President’s Cabinet, 2013-present · Chair, Senior Leadership Team, Chesapeake Campus, 2013-present · Chair, College-wide Steering Committee, Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), SACSCOC, 2015-2017 · Chair, Search Committee for Vice President for Student Affairs, 2015 · Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Goal 1: Internal Resource Development: Internal Reinvestment, Academic Restructure, and Building Community, 2013-2015 · Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Goal 4: Business & Industry Collaborations, 2013-2015 · Member, Strategic Enrollment Management Process Mapping Team Phase 1: Pre-enrollment, 2014 · Chair, Co-curricular Competencies Identification Team, 2016 · Chair, Southern Association on Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges On-site Committee Recommendation Response Workgroup, 2016-17 NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY · Member, President’s Executive Team, 2011-2013 · Member, President’s Cabinet, 2008 -2013 · Member, IT Policy Council, 2011-2013 · Member, President’s Advisory Committee on Efficiency and Savings, 2008-2013 · Member, Student Success Center Steering Committee, 2011-2013 · Chair, Academic Calendar Committee, 2012 · Member, Academic Policies Advisory Board, 2010-2011 · Members, Norse Athletic Council, 2011-2013 · Chair, Strategic Enrollment Management Retention Strategy Committee, 2010-2011 · Chair, Strategic Enrollment Management Implementation Team on Retention, 2008-2009, · Co-Chair, Strategic Enrollment Management Action Team, 2008-2011 · Divisional Representative, SACS Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Implementation Team, 2009-2010 · Co-Chair, Cooperative Education Task Force, 2008-2010 · Member, Strengthening Alignment for Student Success Committee, 2008-2009 · Chair, Senior Leadership Team in Student Affairs, 2011 to 2013 Member, 2008-2011 · Member, University Connect and Persist Advisory Board, 2009-2011 · Member, Veterans Advisory Committee, 2008-2011 · Member, Strategic Enrollment Management Senior Leadership Team, 2008- 2013 · Member, Crisis Intervention Team, 2008-2011 WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY · Chair, First-Year Experience Implementation Team, 2006-2008 · Member, Strategic Planning Implementation Team, 2006-2008 · Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Implementation of Goal C (Student Success Goal), 2007-2008 · Member, President’s Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, 2005-2006 · Chair, Advising Self-Study Team, 2005-2006 · Provost’s Designee, General Education Committee, 2003-2008 · Facilitator, Board of Academic Standards, 2003-2008 · Member, Enrollment Management Committee, 2003-2008 · Chair, Retention Subcommittee of the Enrollment Management Committee, 2003-2006 · Chair, New Student Days Orientation Planning Committee, 2003-2004, Member, 2005- 2008 · Member, Strategic Planning Implementation for Student Persistence and Success Subcommittee, 2004 · Chair, Student Scholarships and Fellowships Committee, 2004-2008 · Member, Crisis Response Team, 2007-2008 · Member, Student Affairs Support Team, 2007-200 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON · Member, Committee on Diversity in Community, 2002-2003 · Chair, University Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, 2001-2003 · Member, First Year Experience Committee, 2002-2003 · Member, Human Resources Advisory Committee, 2001-2003 SINCLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE · Member, Manual Communications Academic Program Advisory Council, 1993-2001 · Chair, College-wide Reengineering Task Force for Services to Students, 2000 · Member, Web Administration Executive Steering Committee, 2000 · Chair, Distance Learning Task Force. Services to Students Subcommittee, 1996 · Chair, Distance Learning and the New Student Enrollment Process, 1999 · Chair, Disability Services Advisory Board, 1993-1999 · Co-chair, Americans with Disabilities Act Committee, 1995-1999 · Member, Faculty Support Team, 1993-1999 · Member, Financial Aid Appeals Committee, 1995-2000 · Member, Academic Council-Student Services Committee, 1994-1999 · Member, Sinclair Quality Initiative: Organizational Effectiveness Team, 1994-2000