College Strategic Plan demographics omit over 13,000 residents living adjacent the Verde campus
The Blog has been reviewing the material being used by the College Strategic Planning Committee to develop a three-year plan by May, 2015. When reviewing the demographics slide, it was observed that the data omitted the population of the Verde Villages and Bridgeport.
This is a consistent omission in YC data, which skews the view of population concentration in this area of the County and its relation to the Verde campus. The population of the Verde Villages and Bridgeport is over 13,000. With Cottonwood, the Verde Villages and Bridgeport, Clarkdale and Jerome, there are around 30,000 citizens immediately surrounding the Verde campus. With such a large concentration of population, many believe the Verde Campus needs much greater attention and development than it has received in the past. Most cities in the US with a population of 30,000 have a free standing community college. You may view the College Stragic Plan by clicking here.

Demographics as found in the College Strategic Plan that ignore Verde Villages and Bridgeport.