Tuition money needed to keep $111 million dollar Master Plan construction on-track on West side of County gets West side Governing Board support
The Yavapai Community College Governing Board voted 3-2 to increase tuition next year by four percent. Without the increase, the College might have to cut out $400,000 of its $111 million dollar Master Plan construction plans. (No student voices were heard at the Governing meeting.) It also intends to raise dormitory rates by about 3 percent.
Voting against the tuition increase was East County Representative Al Filardo, who was not convinced the College had made a proper supporting case for it. Also voting against the increase was second
district East/West County representative Deb McCasland. Ms. McCasland was concerned about the impact on students and the massive expenditures going out of the General Fund for the Master Plan. The General Fund revenue comes from County taxpayer property taxes and student tuition.
Two factors driving Administrators to push tuition higher are the need to finance the $111 million dollar Master Plan and their five-year failure to increase enrollment. Over 90% of the Master Plan is going to develop the College on the West side of the County.
In January, 2015 the Administration reported that tuition and fees would be $150,000 under budget for the fiscal year because of “lower than projected enrollments.” The College estimated in January, 2015 that it would take in only $11,717,000.00 in tuition and fees along with about $44 million in tax revenue.
A year ago in-state student tuition for 2014-15 was increased by the Governing Board on recommendation of the Administration as follows:
• Tier 1: +$2 from $70 to $72
• Tier 2: +$5 from $78 to $83
• Tier 3: +$5 from $87 to $92
• $360k increase (3.2%).
The total increase for 2015-16 will be 4%.
Tier 1: + $3 from $72 to $75 (4.2%)
Tier 2: +3 from $83 to $86 (3.6%)
Tier 3: +3 from $92 to $96 (4.3%).
In addition, several new and existing courses will have tuition set at what the College describes as “market rates.”
Long-time West County Board members Ray Sigafoos and Pat McCarver led the fight for higher tuition. They have voted to increase student tuition for the past several years. Newcomer Steve Irwin, who represents Prescott Valley, voted for the first time to increase tuition.
In 2004/05 the per hour tuition was $38. It has been increased every year since then. Click on the following to read the details of the tuition increase. Tuition and Fees _ FY 15-16_r1