College administrator reflects on “loss of continuity” of programming on Verde Campus for College for Kids
Ms. Linda Buchanan, the newest Yavapai Community College Community Education Program Director, reflected on management and a “loss of continuity” of programming on the Verde campus over the past years in a recent interview in the Verde Independent.(Click here for Verde Independent interview.)

YCC Summer 2014 ad for program on Prescott campus.
She said, for example, that the summer program called College for Kids “had been growing in offerings and enrollment, but took a hiatus in 2012 when the school’s bond-funded construction pushed operations completely off campus.” [Query: Were there no other summer facilities available for the summer College for Kids program such as Mingus High School or the Cottonwood-Oak Creek school? Or the Sedona Center?]
Although an effort was made to revive and rebuild the program following completion of construction, the management position became vacant and it took the College, according to Ms. Buchanan, “about a year before a new director came on board.” Consequently, the College for Kids program was not offered on the East side of the County this year because of the College one-year delay in filling the management position. In comparison, the program thrived on the West side of the County this summer.
The YCC has posted an excellent video explaining the College for Kids programs offered this summer on the Prescott campus. It can be found by clicking here.