YCC Staff makes seven recommended actions during retreat based on data obtained from resident feedback
The Yavapai Community College staff analyzed the data from the County-wide poll, call to the public from March to August, and two Verde Valley focus groups. Based on the information obtained from that data, the staff recommended to the Governing Board at the September 8, 2014 retreat that the following actions be taken:
1. Improve marketing and outreach to all regions of Yavapai County.
2. Explore expanded access to CTE programs in the East County.
3. Expand community event opportunities in the East County.
4. Review and improve course scheduling to increase availability and reduce cancellations
5. Now that the Sedona Center land situation has been resolved, develop appropriate programming for the center.
6. Continue to be price-conscious for tuition & fees, as well as all other services provided.
7. Continue to demonstrate and improve quality of academic offerings.This data can also be found on the College website by clicking here.